Friday, December 18, 2009

Why should we continue to drill for oil?

I'm doing a project for an AP class and I have to discuss why we should continue to drill for oil (positive aspects) PLEASE HELP. Thank you!Why should we continue to drill for oil?
Almost all oils burn in air generating heat, which can be used directly, or converted into other forms of fuels by various means. For example, heating water into steam which is funneled into a turbine which turns a generator, which then produces electricity. Oils are used as fuels for heating, lighting (e.g. kerosene lamp), powering combustion engines, and other purposes. Oils used for this purpose nowadays are usually derived from petroleum, (fuel oil, diesel oil, gasoline (petrol), etc), though biological oils such as biodiesel are gaining market share.Why should we continue to drill for oil?
Absolutely. We've used oil for the past 150 years, so that gives you an idea of how popular it is. Also, engines and machinery that rely on oil are important to our country's survival (not taking into account the recent events affecting the economy). If we drill our own oil, there will be no need to get it from other countries, such as those in the Middle East. Perhaps in the future, synthetic oils will be made for engines.
Another reason is viability and cost.

No other energy source, even if you combine them all, can even come close to filling our energy needs that oil provides. At best all alternative energy sources combine could replace about 10% of our daily energy use.

Think of the immense infrastructure that we have in this country for oil. If we were to convert every single gas station, every single car, every single factory, every single gas burner or heater, it would take 20 years and probably close to a trillion dollars to do.

Also, with current technology, alternative energy don't perform as well.

The main reason is that until there is some mega break-through in alternative energy that can supply all of the energy we need, cheaper than oil, and without having to change the entire infrastructure of the country, our only viable option is oil.

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