Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why don't we increase domestic drilling for the oil and gas we need.?

Because the tree hugging democrats won't let us.

Then they sit back and complain about the heavy

price of imported oil.Why don't we increase domestic drilling for the oil and gas we need.?
I give up, why????Why don't we increase domestic drilling for the oil and gas we need.?
No, we should reduce our need for the finite Fossil fuels, and opt for renewables which can be infinite.
cause that would cost money and you would make money and that would increase global warming and it would even itself out keeping gas the same price
We are! In the news you will never hear them say the word Wyoming. Unless some serial killer passed through there. If you drive I-80 through you might just see what I'm talking about from the road. I know because I worked on alot of the rigs throughout the state. Think Halliburton....

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