Friday, December 18, 2009

Why won't we drilling for oil in the USA?

is it safe to say that it is because we have a liberal Democrat Congress that plays footsy with socialist environmentalist trying to rule over America?Why won't we drilling for oil in the USA?
That is EXACTLY why the Dems block all drilling here in our own country. They are in the pocket of the far-left environmentalists. What other reason could there be? They say they want to develop ';alternative'; energy sources, but we all know that is still decades away from being a viable answer to our oil problems NOW.Why won't we drilling for oil in the USA?
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have oil what I know is one is Alaska and one in Texas. But the oil reserve is insufficient to sustain the whole of America. You do not know you people have oil in your own backyard? I am not even an American yet I know this as a fact.

THE PROBLEM WITH YOU AMERICAN is that you are aware of Democrats in congress and some socialist but not your own reserves and other things concerning the U.S.
We are drilling in the US, but the dems are still blocking us from drilling in anwr and offshore.

and not all of the land that is leased has oil on it. This is from Larry King Live:

KING: All right, American oil detainees own and have owned, as I understand it, millions of acres of oil leases both on shore and off, as well. Why haven't you drilled?

O'REILLY: Well, I've heard this story and this is the biggest red herring that I have heard in quite some time. Let me explain. Let me give you an example with Chevron.

We have 2,100 federal leases today, 1,400 of them are producing today. There are hundreds more that are in the act of being developed. We are actually spending billions of dollars building equipment, wells, producing facilities, pumps, putting them on top of those leases to produce.

Those are counted as undeveloped even though billions of dollars are being spent to actually produce the oil which will be coming on-screen over the next few years. There are also unfortunately some of those leases that are dry. Not every lease has oil and gas on it. We have success and we have failure. When we have failure, we turn it back to the government.

We have given 400 leases back to the government for them to decide what to do with it because we couldn't find any oil. We couldn't develop them. So this idea that we're sitting on a whole bunch of leases is flawed. And I would encourage the Congress, frankly, I'm so upset at this. They ought to call us into Congress, let us give them the facts, and I'm confident that when they see the facts that this will be refuted.
It really all depends on who is elected president. Drilling is not a new idea. The argument against drilling is that it would take around ten years for us to see any of that oil in the form of gasoline. However, Senate voted against that bill 13 years ago. Now do the math and you'll see that if we would have started drilling 13 years ago, we would have already seen the effects of it and would not be in the oil crisis we are in today. On the democrats' side, the manufacture of biofuels is strongly supported, along with wind generation and solar generation. Let me explain biofuels. Usually from the extract of ethanol from corn or other organic based foods, biofuels are less efficient than gasoline AND add to the same ';harmful effects'; of ';global warming'; because of the carbon release. Wind and solar generation sound great because it is not a finite source of energy, but wind and solar are HORRIBLY inefficient (especially when there's no wind or sun). If someone complains about the price of building oil rigs, they must too complain about the price of windmills and solar panals. The truth is that the price for oil rigs would be well offset by our revenue from oil, but we could barely make up for the price of windmills and solar panals. Here's some ideas for electrical generation: nuclear and geothermal.
The oil companies are leasing 68 million acres of land from the US government that has already been cleared for drilling but they are not drilling on it. Why should we give them more land to drill on when they are not using the land we have already leased to them. Even if we did drill it would take 10 years to see the oil hit the market and then the cost would only go down a couple of cents.
Why would we stop? We are drilling for oil all over the country. As you can see from this site, we have oil drilling going on in 40 of the fifty states, including Alaska.鈥?/a>

I realize it feels good to have a single cause to blame something complex on, but it still isn't true. And the Democrats have only had their tenuous control of Congress for two years. What about the Republicans who controlled it for the last twenty?
We will not because the environmentalist and the PC crowd in this country wants us to fail and become subservient to the rest of the world.

Socialism is rearing its ugly head in the land of the free and the home of the brave. It will slowly strangle us in the name of righteousness. It will snuff out the very intellectual and entrepreneurial spirit that made this country great for grayness, lackluster and ineptness that comes with that form of government.

The North American Union is knocking at our door with our own elected officials as its main supporters.
How about this. Why don't we release the oil we have stockpiled (enough to last this country 250 years)? Or a better question....Why are republicans more interested in oil than really doing something to help Americans like have alternative energy? Is it because they get enjoyment out of fleecing the American people?
No, it's safer to say that it's more profitable for the oil industries to do so. It costs over 6 billion dollars to build a new refinery for little change in profit margins.

If you don't like capitalism, than you might want to check China or Cuba.
I think Harry Reid, Democratic leader in the senate said it all yesterday. See what he had to say about how oil and coal are making us sick. The video link is at鈥?/a>

So as long as the democrats are in control, we will never drill for oil in USA.
the environmentalists ***** about saving the earth and blah and then ***** about not having enough money to buy gas..because to them...we need to just pull the oil out of our asses and fix the problem immediately.
What makes you think drilling will change anything. It has been said by many experts in the field, it won't, Your premise is false. Instead of pointing fingers and trying to place blame. Concentrate on real solutions.
We won't ';drilling'; for oil here in the USA because ';drilling'; isn't the complete answer to our energy woes, knucklechild.
Because it cost more than can tax it more so they give us discounts on federal taxes but raise excise taxes like no one will notice it.

Yeap Communist.
Bush McCain Crist we against it before they were for it.
YOU'RE not drilling for oil in the USA because you cannot even master basic English grammar, so there's no way you'd be able to handle something as complex as drilling.

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