Could cost us ten Billion, but we wont support our own companies drilling oil of our coast. Whats wrong with this picture. I know Sarah Palin said drill baby drill but she meant for us to do it. Can't the White house get anything right?鈥?/a>How do you feel about the White house giving two Billion to Brazil to Drill oil?
Betrayed is how I feel we need to drill here not finance George SorosHow do you feel about the White house giving two Billion to Brazil to Drill oil?
First: White House/United States are not giving money to Brazil. Maybe you are accustomed to give money to poor nations, not Brazil that is not a poor nation (we have the 8th largest GDP of the World) and 10 billion is nothing in the Brazilian economy of 2 trillion dollars/year.
Second: It's funny like you from USA think about the World...You think that is totally normal foreigners companies and governments to invest billion in US companies. You think the most normal thing is to see US products like Coca-Cola, Mc Donald's, Lewis and other around the World, but, when a US company or your government invest money or contract a service in other place outside United States, it seems like the end of the World for you.
It seems very ridicule for the rest of the World. You live like only you had the right to make money and receive money from every part of the World, but, never, to spend money in other place if not USA. It's funny...
I invite all to know more about my country Brazil watching my favorites videos:鈥?/a>
Are you picking on poor old half black, Socialist Muslim, Obama again.
Palin Schmalin. She's just a hitler mustached, gestapo, swastika flag waving, right wing, radical, who can't keep a job because all those Alaskan people loving, peaceful, Beatnic, flower children, politicians throwing all those law suits at her One of these days, she won't be able find one of all those civil action suits frivolous, anymore. And then she'll pay.
And then she won't have that 80 percent approval rating, anymore. There - take that, you gestapo types.
What do you think?
Right now the US is in a Bizzaro world where wrong is right up is down, etc etc, I can't wait to deep six this fraud. If anyone wants to see what the US has become go rent Being There with Peter Sellers
China was given permission to drill of the Cuban coast, we are giving money to Brazil to drill and yet the Democrats refuse to allows us to drill, get shale more coal, nuclear I said a bizarro world.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't he care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe he will allow them to drill off shore up here, before the Chinese directional drill into our reserves.
Oh NO the environment, Don't you just feel betrayed? Wonder who is making the money off that deal? You know the
euros for clunkers'; deal done in germany went on for a pretty good while and they allotted over $7 billion right off the bat and their market is 75% less than ours, so why only $3 billion for us.
Lobbyist bribed, I mean paid, I mean donated over $3.2 billion to our great House of Reps and Senate last year and are on tap for a 7% increase this year. Heck the health care people gave a whopping half a billion and the insurance people stepped up to the plate last year. Guess that was payment for having medicare take on the drugs they were suppose to pay for.
Check below to see how much your senator takes in. Don't forget to include family members that are employed by the lobbyists.
Best Congress money can buy!
To me this PROVES that 0bama is INTENTIONALLY harming the US. He will not allow drilling here,which would help all of us,but will help fund drilling elsewhere.Of course there's also the Corruption angle,since 0bama's puppet master George Soros just happens to be a huge investor in the Brazilian Oil Company,so perhaps this is just a payoff to his Boss?
Heil 0bama!!
Haven't heard that one yet, but with all the oil on our Coasts, Texas, North Dakota, Montana, Alaska, we need to start using our own oil. The Bakken Oil Range in North Dakota is very Promising. I hope you wrong, about Brazil. We need to keep the two Billion right here at home.
It's a case of buddies helping buddies, with George Storos being helped out by Obama so he can make million upon millions more.
it is stupid politics, but that is normal for the idiots in Washington.
no they can't but we are trying to get a monopoly on our hands if we use all the oil but our own then it comes down to us using our oil we will have the control of it see what they are trying to do
The Socialist-in-Chief give the money to a company that George Soros owns. And as everyone knows, Mr. Soros is the President's real Boss.
We have far too many do-gooders in this country. We can't use our own resources, but we sure will pitch a ***** when OPEC and other organizations raise the price of a barrel of oil.
no they can't get anything right america seems to thrive on dependancy, i guess no one told the governent they made a thing called wind mills
Well look at it this way. If they are going to insist on acting like a bunch of idiots and doing this at least they are losing some of the environmentalists votes now as well. :)
Well now B0 did promise to create jobs,Buuuuuuuuuuut he didn't say he would create them in America.
DRILL BABY DRILL..oops sorry, wrong Party.
The guys at the top don't often seem to find the most appropriate ways to spend tax payer money...
I was wondering how the president could do a thing like this.
Why can't we drill oil?
That's part of the stimulus package. What, Americans thought it was for us! People better wake up.
Angry and sad. the least bit surprised.
i wish they would give me 2 billion to drill my gf
The White House didn't ';give'; them anything, and it didn't come from taxpayer money.
The LOAN is coming from the US Import Bank, which is not funded by taxpayer money.
The U.S. Export Import Bank's sole purpose is to lend money to foreign companies for the purchase of American goods and services.
Loan. With interest. We come out on top.
Fun fact: Brazil sends us 188,000 barrels of oil PER DAY.
Another fun fact: Bush signed off on a $30 billion bailout (note: not a loan) to Brazil in 2002. Where was the outrage then?
Oh yh and Bush getting us in the middle east and a countless amount of our soldiers dying for OIL was any better? Or you deluded cons still denying that?
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