Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If we lease offshore drilling rights and ANWR to Big Oil, how long until we see some oil, and how much?

as long as oil companies profits remain as high as they are, we will never see any oil as they will NOT be doing any drilling. If we lease offshore drilling rights and ANWR to Big Oil, how long until we see some oil, and how much?
A long time according to the Department of Energy.

Bush's Department of Energy thinks it would take about 7 to 12 years to produce oil from ANWR, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Does anyone have a credible source to the contrary?

Bush's Department of Energy thinks it would take about 5 years to get a significant amount of oil from offshore drilling. Does anyone have a credible source to the contrary? In the case of offshore drilling the Department of Energy also says ';Because oil prices are determined on the international market, however, any impact on average wellhead prices is expected to be insignificant. ';

I notice that according to McCain today, the oil men told him they could get additional oil from some existing platforms within months. He apparently lacked the curiosity to ask them -- how much?

If Reagan had stayed with Carters energy plan instead of dismantling it, then we would not be in our current fix. Let's not make the same mistake again.If we lease offshore drilling rights and ANWR to Big Oil, how long until we see some oil, and how much?
anywhere from 2-6 years dependent on the company doing the drilling and the drilling conditions themselves. production itself is a big variable. however, if we don't, then the answers are simple.....never and none.
Based on what some people have told me that work for these drilling companies, they can be producing oil within 3 years time. Give about 1 more year for the oil to start having an effect on our prices. So figure about 4 years in all. A far cry from the junk Congress gives us.

The reason liberals in our government are saying it takes 10-20 years, is so they can try to use this as their justification not to allow drilling because of it.
One thing is for sure - - If we don't start somewhere, and begin to cut the ties with the middle-east oil king$ - and strive for energy independence - we will be supporting the middle-east from now on - at the expense of the prosperity of our own country.

It could make a difference in oil prices if those yokels know we are moving away from them and in a more positive, productive direction for our own country - - which means less gold toilets for them.
The way China and India are growing along with their energy needs it really doesn't matter. We need alternatives for 3 major reasons

1. As cited above we can no longer keep pace with the mammoth growing industrial country's and their demands for oil on the world market, it simply CAN'T be done

2. We feed the very terrorists that want to KILL us by remaining oil dependent

3. By LEADING the world to alternative we grow our Economy, provide new jobs, and reassert ourselves as world leaders
The Governor says they already have the infrastructure in place. Three years tops, but the minute it was announced the price of oil futures would drop like a rock.

Democrats know this, and that is why they are trying to prevent it. If you have any doubt at all, ask yourself why Obama was in favor of the prices being high, just not so fast.

Democrats are dirty and dishonest as the day is long.
How long do we see the oil from ANWR? 10 years or never because more oil on the market means less profits. How much oil? Enough to last this country a year. There isn't that much oil in ANWR to make it profitable for a long time. But then again, if it does come to market, since it will be on the world market to be bid on, China will probably get it first.
Ok, I live 15 miles from the largest Oil Deposit in North America (Bakken formation) including off shore and Alaska, In fact the only larger polls that have ever been found are in Saudi. There is 750 Billion, That is Billion with a B. Under North Dakota. There is no need for off shoring, there in no need to go in to Anwr... The rigs are all ready here.... The impact has been done. Don't believe the hype we need to drill in the ocean or Alaska!!! Look it up for your self. There is a new millionair being made every day in North Dakota.
My guess - three years. But it doesn't really matter. Simply saying the oil is coming on line will depress prices, as current producers will sell ahead rather than horde a commodity whose value is dropping rather than increasing. Once the speculators sense that global production is going up instead of down, they will dump and take their profits.
If we had done it while Bush senior placed the ban... We would be seeing the benefits today...

To answer your question... about 10 years...

Within 10 years oil in it's current state will have almost no ceiling... This is what McCain and his oil buddies are hoping...

Why not develop the wells that are underdeveloped, why not use our oil exports for the local market in states...
That depends on the companies doing the drilling but we could see oil coming from those wells within two years..

How much depends on where specifically we drill. The US has more oil in total than the entire Middle East so it could be significant..
Immediately. And that is because the speculators who have received so much ire lately, would realize that there is hope on the horizon ... but don't let facts get in the way of good public discourse.
offshore, up going and delievery, 1-2 years. ANWR, about 5-7 years, at least the pipe line is in!!

1 to 2 yrs, tops.
If we had done it when the question was first asked we would be seeing the benefits today.
7 to 10 years. Not enough to matter.
about 4 years.

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