Friday, December 18, 2009

Ow do democrats see drilling for oil and finding new alt. fuels Vs. Republicans?

';';Ow do democrats see drilling for oil and finding new alt. fuels Vs. Republicans?
Some Democrats do, some republicans do. Depends on the direction the wind is blowing at the time...

Ow do democrats see drilling for oil and finding new alt. fuels Vs. Republicans?
Democrats are against drilling for oil. They think it harms the environment and that oil causes global warming. They are in favor of alternative fuels that don't pollute such as solar and wind power (although some have complained about birds being killed flying into the wind turbines and that wind turbines are ugly and ruin the natural landscape.

Republicans realize that solar and wind energy will be able to supply only a fraction of the energy that fossil fuels do. They don't oppose such them, but are realistic enough to know that they are only a partial answer. Republicans want to reduce our dependence on other countries for our energy needs and realize that means utilizing the fuel that is within our borders while at the same time working on the development of alternative fuels. Republicans are pro energy. Democrats are against it and think that energy should be made as expensive as possible to reduce its use.
Any oil drilled on the coasts will be sold in the open market and not exclusively to us.

Finding new alternative fuels is the way of the future and should be pursued rather than drill.

Drilling for oil that will eventually run out doesn't solve any problems, it just pushes it off. That's not acting responsibly.
The democratic party, particularly Pelosi are opposed to any drilling. They believe this problem will just go away without us doing anything to combat it.

The republicans are a bit more pragmatic. They see the need to explore for new oil, find new energy alternatives, and do something significant to become energy independent.

Hope and change sure the shiit won't get this job done !
Most Democrats feel that Drilling for Oil will not help us in the short run and, in the long run, it will not reduce gas prices. Since these rigs cost millions, if not billions, to erect, they would rather the money be placed in the search for viable Alternative Fuels.

John McCain is acting as though Offshore Drilling is akin to the Second Coming when, in truth, it won't relieve the pain at the pump. Anyone who thinks the oil companies will lower the price of oil simply because we have placed oil rigs in the ocean is kidding themselves. We're not even guaranteed that it would be sold here in the States. We might be supplying China with fuel.

We're moving toward Alternative Fuel at a record pace, There is not only electric cars, but experimental prototypes of all kinds. GM has a new one that runs on Ethanol made of household trash. In France, there is an Air Car. Three Solar-Fueled Cars just made a race across the U.S., at a pace of 65 mph. Anyone that says we can't move away from gas-powered cars don't know Americans! An American invented the affordable family car in the first place! Americans put in place the world's first...and best...highway system! We invented the cotton gin, the harnessing of electricity, the telephone, etc. etc. We can create an Alternative Fuel and save our oceans just one more manmade insult!.

Cars, trucks run on gasoline.. Until this changes, the political banter about alternatives is a bunch of hogwash. If we don't drill to tap the resources available in the USA and off the coast, then we will continue to ship more and more of our money overseas to foreign OPEC countries.
The World will never be totally off oil unless you want to live back in the cave days. ALMOST EVERYTHING uses oil in its make up. Get a clue would you all please.
what would be best for this country to find other source of fuel and really leave the drilling alone.

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