Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why drilling for oil in the us ??

SOME MISGUIDED REPUBLICANS WOULD LIKE to ruin our last little wild life and nature for the sake of their profits. get the oil from the arabs they live in the desserts and sand dunes no harm done thereWhy drilling for oil in the us ??
You may want to look at the areas where there is drilling and where the Pipe Line crosses wild life areas, those ares have been made into sanctuaries that are more accommodating than they were before.Why drilling for oil in the us ??
I thought you wanted to get off of foreign oil?
Actually, you have zero accuracy in your statements.

1. ANWAR would not hurt the environment at all. We would drill in the winter and be gone by the spring.

2. ANWAR is only a fraction of the entire thing. We would drill in less than .5% of the land.

3. We can drill or our enemies can drill. China is drilling off the coast of Cuba. Do we want money in the hands of us or our enemies?

4. By not dealing with our energy, we are making billions for Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezuela. These are our enemies.
I think the real issue is finding alternate sources of power. It won't be easy and will take many years and much money, but eventually it will have to be done. Oil isn't a renewable resource.
The area in Alaska where they want to drill is the size of a postage stamp in relation to the rest of the region.
I don't think this is an issue for just Republicans. I am an independent voter who want to see oil drilled for here in the U.S. and I am fairly certain some Democrats also want that especially when we see oil prices advancing this summer.

The main place where we know there is oil is in Alaska and carefully done it will not destroy wild life. You have to keep in mind that there is already the Alaska pipeline in place. Contrary to some beliefs the pipeline actually resulted in the increase of caribou because in the winter the pipeline is heated and its warmth helped the animals. Oil sea rigs are being built just outside our 12 mile international limit by other countries so putting oil rigs near there would be prudent and wise to secure oil for our needs instead of letting other nations take what is near us. we have to get away from depending on other nations and going halfway around the war to get what we can drill for here in our own yard.
I guess we could drill for oil to see if there's any really there at all. I think it's just a bluff to OPEC. Kinda trying to fool em into thinking we got the stuff too so they'll flood the market.
Maybe a whole 500 people have ever seen Anwar,nothing there but ice,snow and Carabou.

We have lots of Wilderness areas,maybe you need to travel more.
make up your minds, do we want to depend on foriegn oil or find our own?

The guy below me is right, while drilling rigs are large, comapritively they dont take up that much space, with new technologies coming out evry year and newer more enviromentally friendly rigs being built, we could extract your own oil and not completely destroy the Alaskan wilderness.
No need to drill any where else apart from the muslim world all we need some good reason for invashion but even that i dont think we need a good reason even stupid reason would in this day in age
I lived in Oklahoma for five years. They have drilled for oil their for years and years. There is less environmental impact from a oil well than there is from a city block the same land size area. Oil companies do a lot to prevent runoff from the site. Industrial, commercial and even residential parts of town do next to nothing to prevent chemicals from running off into the creeks through the storm drains. No one talks about the water, soil and air pollution that every house, store and factory causes. Not all environmental impact is caused by the ';evil'; oil companies.

If oil drilling is so hard on the environment, they why be ok with it going on in ';the middle east';. What happens in one part of the world effects the whole world eventually. If you are so worried about the environmental impact of oil, why not spend your time and effort coming up with truly viable alternatives to it? If you are content to continue driving your car, buying things made of plastic or synthetic fibers (which are made from oil) and using electricity generated by burning oil, then stop complaining!

Don't you want to stop having our country relying on countries that harbor terrorists for it's oil? As long as we need oil from these countries, we're in a weakend position when it comes to diplomacy. If we need their oil, we can't really put economic pressure on them (the only pressure we can put on them that they will take seriously besides bombing them back to the stone age) to get them to attack the terrorists instead of hiding them.

Also, if we drilled our own oil in the U.S. (there are millions of acres here that have oil deposits that we are not drilling), it would reduce costs since we wouldn't have to ship it half way across the world. That costs money too. Ever notice on the news when they talk about the states with the lowes average gas costs? They also happen to be the ones where we do drill and refine oil. Duh! Lowering transportation costs helps reduce gas prices.
You liberals crack me up with your pie in the sky nonsense.';No drilling for our own oil! No new refineries Get out of the Middle East! No blood for oil! No blood for oil! No nuclear power!No coal!'; WHaa whaa until you get your way. Then when the easily predictable results of YOUR policies happen-

';What! Gas is four bucks a gallon! BUSH';S FAULT!';
The oil in Alaska is a very heavy, dirty stuff and most of it needs more energy to get to, then it's worth it.

We would be better of to reduce our oil usage quickly, that the only smart way and would cost much less then the current wars
we don't have to depend on any oil at all....all the green technology is there and ready to be used but it is being suppressed by the greed of the American corporations and government
if your so concerned about our planet and why are you not talking about alternate fuel sources instead of getting getting oil from the arabs?
Oh that's brilliant, Einstein! We have plenty of oil in our hemisphere but we should be dependent on finicky Arabs who can cut off our supply at the drop of a hat. If we have oil here, then we should be drilling for it to not only bring down the price at the pump but to be less dependent on foreigners. All this talk about destroying the environment and wild life is sheer nonsense. Today's drilling operations are clean and safe.

Now pull your head out of the Arab sand.
We have plenty of wild life, none of which is ';ruined'; by drilling.

Have you ever been to an oilfield? The rigs would be miles apart. The caribou wouldn't even notice. It's not like they want to refine the stuff there. Do deepwater rigs ';ruin'; the ocean for the whales and dolphins? Has a whale ever collided with a rig? No.

ANWR won't get us off foreign oil but it can help a bit and the ';wildlife'; argument just isn't accurate.
  • eye liner
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