Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do you support drilling for oil off of U.S. shorelines?

I support drilling for oil, building new refineries and atomic power plants. developing clean coal technology, using geothermal, tidal, wind and solar power. In short developing all resources to make the US energy independent.Do you support drilling for oil off of U.S. shorelines?
Yes, for two main reasons. Hurricane Katrina traveled through 3,000 plus off shore oil and gas drilling rigs with no loss of life and no environmental damage, proof technology protects the environment. Secondly, China and other foreign countries are already drilling in international waters off of our coasts already. I trust US companies under US control more than foreign competitors.Do you support drilling for oil off of U.S. shorelines?
Not really. For one thing, the equipment and the personel needed would dilute any profits oil companies make. So, its a sacrifice oil companies may not want to pay for.t Unless some beacon of improvement can be made, ocean floor drillling wont be cheap and it may even be disasterous. I am sort of on the fence about it but may fall in the direction of common sense: it's probably not going to make much a difference ( save a few cents ) and we may sacrifice too much in order to save a few pennies.

The argument for not doing so is illogical. Opponents claim that they can already drill in enough places offshore. However, if this is true and they haven't maximized drilling, then what harm is there by letting them drill in new places?
The oil companies all ready can tap 4/5s of what the US has off shore and we just got no bid contracts for the big 4 oil companies in Iraq. So until we actually have a comprehensive energy policy, no.
Yes, of course.

Working People support Drilling Everywhere.

Welfare Democrats don't.

They don't drive to work. Because they don't work.
Of course. China and India are drilling just off the Florida coast right now. Can you imagine! Those jackasses in Washington won't allow us to drill. Outrageous!!
nope, supply isn't the problem. the value of the US dollar is.鈥?/a>
I support drilling anywhere we have control over to reduce our dependence on foreign oil controlled by a bunch of moronic camel jockeys. Don't you?
logic says ';yes';. If we as a nation do not support it, another nation will come and do it for us and sell it to us at an inflated price. think about it. What is there not to support?
If you do or not is irrelevant. The Chinese have oil leases from Cuba to drill 50 miles from Florida.

We have been asleep at eh switch for way to long.
Me and 88% of the American population give a resounding YES.
Yes and any place else in the US that has oil.
Yes, we have to do something, anything.
I love the thrill of the drill.
Yes. I'm not a liberal who hates America...
Maybe just China should do Cuba.

Of course I do.
Yes sir, always have.
I think if China can, we should be able to.

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