Friday, December 18, 2009

If the Iraq conflict is all about OIL as the libs say then why wont they let us drill for OIL?

Isnt this a typical ';liberal'; response. Well you capitalists caused all these deaths over oil! And if thats the case then if ';liberals'; had allowed us to drill and build refineries would there been a need for a conflict in Iraq?If the Iraq conflict is all about OIL as the libs say then why wont they let us drill for OIL?
The liberals need ot create a riddle which had no answer, thus we have a ';bad'; war for oil, but can't drill our own.

Once the riddle swallowed by the gullible masses, the Liberals can swoop in and save the day by finally answering the riddle!

It's all designed to make the populace ';need'; something from the government.If the Iraq conflict is all about OIL as the libs say then why wont they let us drill for OIL?
Because it's not about the product; it's about the profits and control.

You are aware that the petroleum companies just posted all-time record profits, right?

That the U.S. and British governments overthrew Iran in 1953 through Operation Ajax specifically because Mossadegh wanted to nationalize Iran's Shatt al-Arab oilfields and installed a puppet dictator?

That when Shah Pahlavi was deposed in 1979 by the Iranian people the U.S. government fomented the 1980 Iran/Iraq war, suggesting to Saddam Hussein that he ';take back'; the Shatt al-Arab oilfields of Iran?

That the U.S. government offered the Taliban of Afghanistan ';a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs'; in exchange for rights to build an oil pipeline?

All these facts are easily verifiable by anyone with an internet connection.

Why do people who claim to be conservatives but don't know what that means attempt to label anyone in command of the facts as a ';liberal';, and then quite often complain when someone says that liberals are better informed?
Liberals with any sense know that we didn't go into Iraq to raid the oil fields just as we didn't go into Kuwait ten years earlier for the same purpose. They know, though, that ';it's about oil'; has a ring to it with the ignorant that makes it an easy sell to the masses in their attempt to undermine any republican administration.
I don't give a crap about your pathetic arguments. Iraq was mainly about oil and geo political control. You are dumber than a door knob if you don't realize that. What were our soldiers doing guarding the oil wells and not the national museum or libraries which were looted after then invasion?

Why after the invasion have we not invested in infastructure for iraq? There is open sewage on the street, without an electricity.

And don't f*u*c*king go on about Saddam, we installed Musharraf (a military dictator who overthrew an elected government)in Pakistan when we were fighting Saddam.

Why do you want to privatize Iraq's oil anyways? Its not yours, its theirs, that's right THEIRS. Get that through your thick skull it doesn't belong to us.

Go worship your republican party, I will stick to being a libertarian.
What would they ***** about then ! of course Al has told them some deer might have to move if we do, that gets out all the tree huggers. They don't stop and think as they continue to build all their fancy homes in the city and the cities grow they are destroying areas of wildlife as well. Iowa now has a bobcat season because so many are moving in to the state from the western areas.
Alternative Energy is the only way we can be free from Oil dependency and reduce Global Warming. Drilling for oil is the end to our making that effort.

Even if I did not believe in Global Warming, I do believe in bad air quality and air pollution from fossils fuels.

Ever have to supervise 50 preschool children indoors for an afternoon because the air outside was a hazard to their health? I have. Do you give a $hit about the furture generations health? I do.
I don't ';worship the Republican party'; as one answerer accused the questioner of doing, but if the Iraq war is about oil, WHERE ARE THE TANKERS? WHERE ARE THE DERRICKS? WHERE IS THE PIPE? If it was all about oil, we should have laid more pipe by now than John Holmes.

Where the eff have you been getting your oil from up until you invaded Iraq? You got greedy and wanted more.

I don't even believe the Iraq invasion was about OIL but yeah, just to answer your dumb question.
liberals are just delusional 鈫?br>;鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Starts at 2 minutes.
They hate oil. They hate capitalism. They hate that America is strongest.

They want all 3 to go away.
We might make a rare moss or lichen extinct.
because ';No Blood For Freedom'; just doesnt have as much oomph

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