Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Will drilling American oil devalue to US dollar?

My parents told me when I was young that the American dollar would become worthless if America used up it's own oil resources, and that is why the USA would rather buy it from other countries.

If we drill on Amercan's soil for oil, wont that make our dollar worthless? Isn't that being selfish for since we're stealing from Americas future?Will drilling American oil devalue to US dollar?
No - it will strengthen it!

PeaceWill drilling American oil devalue to US dollar?
Your parents are wrong. Drilling will not only create around 500,000 new jobs, but limit the amount of American dollars going to the Middle East (Billions), in turn strengthening our economy. Strong economy with less imports raises the value of the dollar.

Ask any economists. They'll tell you the same thing.

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