Friday, December 18, 2009

The united states has considered drilling for oil in the arctic. what r their pros and cons?

Oil needs to be refined. We need new refineries. Until that gets taken care of ... more oil is a con. Will Mexico or Canada allow more refineries near the USA border? That could be a solution. We definitely need more refineries. And maybe out of the path of hurricanes for their location.The united states has considered drilling for oil in the arctic. what r their pros and cons?
pro-hopefully cheaper gas prices

con-Al Gore will have a feild dayThe united states has considered drilling for oil in the arctic. what r their pros and cons?
The pros are cheaper prices at the pump for hard working American families. The negatives are the complaints of the looney left.

God Bless America
Pros: We get oil


We destroy the environment

We destroy the arctic ecosystem.

Clean energy that is better than oil continues to be ignored.
pros, tons of easily accessed oil and we can get of foriegn oil

cons, a couple of beluga whales and polar bears will have to look at a couple oil platforms out at see and remember the innocent days
PRO: Cheaper oil and the start of abondoning oil from Saudi Arabia. We then will also start drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico and Texas and then Prices will go way down.

The cons are oil spills which kill seals and other marine life.

More oil for an already addicted population, but for how long?


Who gets to drill for it? The same bloated companies that are making a killing now?

Do you really think that it will all be sold to America? It will go to the highest bidders.

Another reason to spoil another piece of our environment.

Another reason to hold off on alternative fuels.

Since it is located outside the U.S., how will the company drilling for it be taxed? How will the oil imported be taxed? Who will really benefit the most? I'm sure the company will get the better deal than the person at the pump.
talk about a hot topic. Too many people think it will destroy the environment but nobody other that maybe 100 people will ever visit the area.

The pros are that we become more independent from Saudi Oil, Mexican Oil, Venezuelan Oil and maybe just maybe abandand the middle east all together except for our new allies the Iraqs.

Cons..................................鈥?Leftist environmental groups get their feeling hurt which is really not a con.
you must mean Alaska, the majority is Canadian and Russian soil. The weather could cause problems, we do not drill up there presently
Major pro...contribution to oil independence and our national

security! will hurt environmentalist wackos feelings!
Pros- Independence from foreign oil.

-It would sure tee off the liberals!

Cons- Can't think of a one.
  • eye liner
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