Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Drilling for oil in alaska?

So, I want to know what some alternative oil sources would be, as oppossed to drilling for oil in alaska?

I'd greatly appreciate it if you could answer this question, or maybe provide a link that would give more information about the topic.

Thanks!Drilling for oil in alaska?
America is the Saudi Arabia of wind.

Wind power plants = major energy independence. Just google alternative energy or T. Boone Pickens (www.pickensplan.com) Drilling for oil in alaska?
there is ethanol and bio-diesel and hydrogen but biodiesel and ethanol is not that efficient to make though. hydrogen can get easily obtained by electrolysis and the electrolysis can be solar powered or wind powered
How about using ALL your farmland to grow crops for ethanol and boidiesel. How does that suit ya?
An alternate oil source might include the oil shale reserves present in several countries including the US, Canada and Russia.

In the long run I would suggest that power derived from wind or geothermal sources would be the best way to go.

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