Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ok....Gas,and oil......and drilling in the U.S.?

Can anyone give me a legitimate reason why we dont allow drilling here?Dont hack the answer with the same canned stuff about the environment,how evil oil is to(the false) global warming.Why is it the house and senate dont want us to drill?Ok....Gas,and oil......and drilling in the U.S.?
There is no legitimate reason for not drilling. However, I think that the left wants oil prices to go through the roof so that we'll use less of it and then start buying into their ludicrous pet projects like ethanol and wind power. I'm sure that they're all giggling with glee because SUV sales are plummeting because of the price of gas.Ok....Gas,and oil......and drilling in the U.S.?
money money money,the oil companies already own/lease over 63 million acres of land with oil to be sucked out,and these politicians know this is public records,and if they want to keep their jobs they have to look eco-friendly for the voters who control their destiny's,also.....when the middle east really starts to dry up and oil goes through the roof,like $400 a barrel we will drill these last oil reserves and really bank,and why do you fools think global warming is false,can you not see the weather changing around the world,it may not be man-made,or even man has a hand,but the world is a living organism that seems to change its weather pattern,sorry to tell you the world is moving on and doing what it wants were just here for the ride
Have relative that is oil drilling engineer, and he starts new gas well few times a year. We don't allow drilling on the OCS Outter Continental Self. See no reasons why states cannot decide if they want to allow drilling off their coast line. Do you really think Bush Senior sign presidential ban because of environmental groups. If big oil wants something to pass in congress it passes. it amazes me and makes me very happy that ban on drilling in Alaska Wildlife Reserve was upheld when Republican controlled congress. Get the book the Prize and look in at pictures that show mess drillers made in Texas.
We are not drilling in Alaska because, unfortunately, environmental activists have rights too. We would drill, but these men and women are opposed to it because of all the bogus explanations that you are tired of hearing. Basically, Al Gore and his minions are the reason that such a great idea is going to waste.
The environmentalist leftovers from the '60s still can't get over the oil spills and abuses of the distant past. Listen to their arguements and the examples given are always 15+ years old, many are 30+ years old. Real world logic does not enter their minds, much less their arguements. Any chance of expanding our own energy production is blocked in court or in congress by the environmentalists via court order or their cronies in congress.
It's because those damn liberals in congress won't wake up and let us drill. They think it will hurt the animals, when in other areas it has been proven that it hasn't hurt animals.
Her name is Comrade Nancy Pelosi.
because only congress, now democratic, can change laws that have been made for the liberal enviros. since politicians are generally quite stupid and lazy (congresspeople work 2 days a week and get all the summer off, with pay) (and i do not think they voted on the bill last year that would force them to READ the bills that they vote on), they do the easiest thing: listen to whatever concern foots their lavish lifestyles. do you think enviros are poor? the enviros have a lot of push in washington, and they have a ton of money. enviros are generally liberals, so they are similar to who sits in congress.

if enviros fear oil spills, why don't they contribute their cut hair pieces swept up by their stylists to make hair pads, which do, in fact, clean up oil spills. they don't bother because it would take an extra minute of their time.

ask an enviro to give up his nice house and pria and to go live in a cave, to go out each day to forage for food and water. he will think you are out of your mind. but he does not think he is out of his mind when he forces you to listen to him and his belief system based only on his enviro agenda. it is nothing other than an agenda. the agenda says that our natural lands and seas should not be utilized because maybe one species of moth out of a million might be compromised. they also do not like the indians in india being able now to buy a little car for $2,000 to get around in rather than ride the whole family on, with all their goods, on a scooter.

i say, we have the oil. let's drill right now, let's build more seaworthy oil platforms (which would get americans back to work, also), and process oil out of shale. the dangers of 20 years ago have been eliminated by modern technology. but do you think most congresspeople know this? no, they do not. they sleep most of the short time they are in their offices.

meanwhile, as we drill and refine, we honestly should, and have to, perfect alternate fuel sources. but that will take time. so why not do both?
I found your question tempting and a challenge, because I think you want to gain a better understanding, as well as a different perspective. In the end, I don't know that you will agree, but I can expose the otherside of the matter for your inspection and consideration. Both candidates are silent and both Democrats and Republican parties are equally inept, in this one case.

Drilling oil is a non-starter because the U.S. does not have the refiners to conditon the oil; to bring it to market. The few refineries we do have are in no shape to take on more oil. The dirty little secret about oil drilling is that it is cost prohibitive for the U.S. Government to allow drilling because NOBODY wants to pick up the tab to build refineries. This is what we have the Arab states for. Secondly, the timeline makes it untenable. Before the first drop of oil is piped to a location in the U.S. it will take 10 years to build the infrastructure. After we get the oil we have to.....refine it. I can't even guess how long that project would take. It would be an enormous monstrosity. The rate in which we use the oil out strips the time we can drill and refine the product for at least a decade. This partisan discussion and bi-partisan bickering should be stripped naked so the voting thinking public can know that this issue is a gimmick, knowone has the stomach to take on, because of what waits on the otherside, refineries.

The government doesn't want to deal with it head on because they dropped the ball. All of them, everyone, and they saw it coming. This is no surprise. The only surprise we had was the oil crisis in 1976. Since then Brazil is totally energy independent. The United States on the other hand has fostered either counter productive energy policies or no policies since the last oil crisis. What a sorry track record. Check into it, that is the dirty little secret as to why it is not OK to drill for oil in the U.S.
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