Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why did the Republicans not let the oil companies drill when they controlled congress in 2005?

We all freaked out when gas hit $3 gal. why did the Republicans not drill offshore then when they controlled congress. The truth is Republicans gave our industrial might away to countries like China etc. and now China need the oil that we used to build our country with our industrial might.Why did the Republicans not let the oil companies drill when they controlled congress in 2005?
What Oil Money Will Buy... When You Drill It Yourself

This is what you get when you have the largest economy in the world buying your oil--

Buying your oil because they refuse to develop their own reserves.

The world's tallest building.

the Burj Dubai, soon to be the tallest building in the world.

One hundred and fifty floors in Dubai. (Flickr)

Indoor desert skiing.

Ski Dubai is the largest indoor ski resort in the world. (Flickr)

A fun car.

This is Prince Waleed's 38th car. The price was $4.8 million.

Hat Tip David White

New developments.

Doha, Qatar.

A nice home and a car or two to get you to work.

This home is owned by the family of Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan from the United Arab Emirates.

Hat Tip David White

Your own manmade island.

The image shows this man-made island that lies off the coast of Dubai in

The Persian Gulf. The island is being built from 80 million cubic

Meters of land dredged from the approach channel to the Emirate's

Jebel Ali Port. (Flickr)

Are you paying enough money for gas, yet

http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/Why did the Republicans not let the oil companies drill when they controlled congress in 2005?
';The truth is Republicans gave our industrial might away to countries like China etc.';

Explain to all of us how that happens. You're telling me that Republicans, that political party of big business, decided to send our companies overseas? First of all, politicians do not decide where companies go or how they operate. Second is that we haven't lost any industrial might, we just aren't the world's top industrial producer anymore.
Because Bush Sr. signed the executive order relating the Presidential ban in 1990.

Hmm, the congressional ban was instituted in 1981...that'd be a dem congress.

Seems bi-partisan to me and we are not going to drill our way out of this problem. Think about it, why would a company want to lower the price of a good if it wont result in appreciable increase in sales?

This is why oil isn't subject to supply and demand.
The Ban was under a Democratic - President Jimmy Carter (Retired) to encourage Alternative Fuels. Only the Democratic Party bungled the following election. President Ronald Reagan (Deceased) tried to follow suit, yet he was doddle up hill against his party and democrats.


You may want to review your question by reviewing some history. Some of the answers are way of the the right for they lack the will to see facts for what they are.

China went into a trance after WWII for unknown reasons. Now, they are making a comeback. A lot of tech came from China before 1850. So, now they copy to catch up and then some.
I think you're working on some false assumptions (begging the question). A slight majority which the Republicans held them gives them no more a dominating control than the Democrats have today. It is not a strict dichotomy with all the members of one party voting one way and all the members of another party voting another.
don't you know...it's the democrats fault...everything is the fault of the democrats and Bill Clinton according the to lemmings....
They did in the House where they had more of a majority but it could not pass the Senate , because of the closer numbers and more moderate senators
Republicans are trying to destroy this country by sending all our jobs to China. They didn't advocate drilling when they controlled Congress because they are whores.
there were still a congressional and Presidential ban on at the time (still in effect)

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