Friday, December 18, 2009

What should the U.S. do about drilling for oil in Alaska?

There's not a whole lot of oil there, maybe 6 months worth.

We should save it for when we _really_ need it. That day is coming as oil prices increase. We'll need some time to transition away from oil.

Drilling it right now will put a little more money in some people's pockets, mostly the oil companies. Keeping it as a reserve is a far better idea.What should the U.S. do about drilling for oil in Alaska?
Some people, and I am sure everyone knows which party they belong to, would never drill for it. He can't articulate a good reason so he simply says to save it. That is making us more dependent on foreign oil. In his infinite wisdom, Jimmy Carter taxed domestic production while claiming to want to make us less dependent. It is time to stop listening to the chicken littles who see doom and gloom in every drop of oil. It is really getting a little rediculous including their claim that we are all going to die if we use it (i.e. global warming).What should the U.S. do about drilling for oil in Alaska?
Drill ANWR. the 1000 Acre tract intended for drilling is a barren waste land and not the pristine picture of the Brooks Range the ecowhacks would have sheep believe.

Contact your congress person and inform them that you want to exploration and drilling in ANWR. We need the energy.
Nothing to stop it. In fact we need to shut down all these ';environmentalists'; that do not know what they are talking about and build some new refineries. We have not had in 20+ years. I do not like GWB, but it is not his fault about our gas prices. It is because of our demand and then everyone on top of it stopping the building of refineries because they are not good for the environment. If that is how you feel. Then you should smile when you pay $3.00 at the gas pump because you are supporting a cause that does not exist.
Alaska belongs to them (bought it off the Russians early in the 20th century) so whats the issue?
Fire all this conservatists and start drilling ,ciao baby
The US should drill away. Current drilling technology is to a level that it can be done with very little environmental impact. Additionally, this would help take away our dependency on foreign oil.

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