Saturday, December 26, 2009

Democrats: Should we be drilling for our own oil???????

I know that we need alternative sources of energy - but just curious, how many democrats think that it is time to drill for our own- since at this point we don't have other sources yet? Just an answer, I don't want to hear about all the leased land that we aren't drilling now.Democrats: Should we be drilling for our own oil???????
Of course we should be drilling. But they need to do it on the 80 million acres already leased and permitted to them to drill. The whole discussion of Alaska and offshore is meaningless when they aren't doing anything with what they already have.Democrats: Should we be drilling for our own oil???????
You are being disingenuous with your question, since you ask if we should drill for our own oil, then you say you don;t want to hear about all the leased land on which we aren't currently drilling?

Is it just me, or is that totally at odds with itself? Why would you encourage the government to lease even more public land to the oil companies? So they can not drill their too?

Seriously, there is an incredible amount of leased land that oil companies are sitting on with huge reserves, and they aren't drilling there. Where exactly do you want them to drill then? Are you in favor of public giveaways to private companies that are economically raping the American people?

Lastly, the part everyone fails to understand... They can drill all they want, it doesn't mean its staying here. It will be sold to the highest bidder.
We do drill for our own oil. But we don't produce enough to meet our own demand. At our current rates of consumption, there is no way we could produce enough oil even if we drilled ANWAR and offshore. Why destroy our beaches and marine environment for a couple of years worth of oil? Drilling more won't bring down the price, either. It takes years to explore and drill before production begins. By then, China will have as many cars and trucks on the road as we do, if not more. Same goes for India. Demand in those countries will soon equal if not exceed our own, and it's very unlikely that new drilling will keep up with rising global demand. And any oil drilled anywhere in the world is still traded on commodities markets, so it's not cheaper to buy gas drilled in the US. The days of cheap gas are over. It's time to look towards the future
Who is ';we';? You have a mouse in your pocket?

I bet you've never stepped foot on an oil lease or platform, and apparently, you cannot be bothered to look at rig counts to see oil companies are drilling for oil on public land, and you haven't looked at lease records long enough to understand they are 30 years away from really developing the public land leases we've alread leased them.

So what can I say in summary?

You haven't bothered to find out what is happening with oil production on public lands in this country, and you use ';we'; like you are going to drill something. You aren't.

I am not going to ever again myself if I can avoid doing it because it is nasty and dangerous work.

Do you know what is NOT going to happen on public lands for the next 2 years unless the Bush Administration ban is lifted?

There will be no new solar power facilities on public desert lands. That smoking gun should tell you a lot.
Last night on Larry King the CEO of big oil thought that we should but he also said that there was no guarantee that the oil would be used in the US but will go to the highest bidder.

Therefore we can deduce that big oil is a business that is in business to make money. He also said that it would take several years to obtain. Kennedy said that it would kill the fish and pollute the water. So, which is more important, jobs, food and water or oil. Have you ever swam in the Gulf of Mexico near New Orleans? Nasty, very nasty, nothing could live in that.

In my opinion, we need more forms of public transportation, like street cars or metro links. We need to find an alternative fuel and more advanced, smaller cars that run on some alternative fuel. It can be done and should be done. I don't want the water polluted and that is the most important thing. We can't live without water.

Vote Obama
Even if they drill all that they want, you and I won,t know the difference. It won't help US. It will only help those with stock and interests in the oil sector. Do I want to give away our natural heritage to keep things broken? not particularly. And I am not some bozo anti-oil nutbar environmnetalist against any development-I would like to believe I am pragmatic.

We should be ahead of the curve on this one in developing alternatives. Cripes, this situation has been coming at us like a train since the early 70's AT LEAST. Shall we not LEARN and change or should we just keep going as before so we can complain all that much louder when the price doubles again. Because it will. bank on it, drilling or no drilling.
No we shouldn't.

There are no curbs on consumption, and a significant fraction of current demand is due to people commuting forty or eighty miles a day, to office jobs, in what amounts to upholstered farm equipment.

This is frivolous luxury. Our remaining domestic reserves should be recognized for the strategic national asset they are We should not be in a hurry to burn them, just to maintain such idiotically unnecessary habits.

If we do so, we will end up raising demand, there will be no signficant effect on the price, and eventually we will find ourselves completely dependent on foreign oil, with no domestic reserves to fall back on.

We have more important uses for whatever oil there still is on this continent. Like fueling the army for example, to defend this country.

Electric cars can be made now, with capabilties sufficient for the needs of many commuters. The automakers should be encouraged, if not compelled to make them. Commuters whose needs do not exceed the capabilities of such vehicles should be encouraged, if not compelled to buy them, when replacing their old gas burners.

Nuclear reactors can generate all the power required to run them, and we already have a grid for distribution.

I think this is ultimately a matter of national security, and I think the American people will be doing themselves a great favor if they realize that.
we are !!!

do you mean ANWAR ?

the leased land we ';are'; drilling now has an estimated Six times the amount of oil in ANWAR.

off-shore drilling is Not so simple

the States have the right to stop it and they will to protect their tourist industries

don't worry - as the oil continues to run out we will drill for every single last drop

and then we will dig up the sand deposits
i think we should be drilling. even though most of our oil is still American oil they are raising the price like the other oil companies. if we do it in an environmental sound way it will be good. it will create more jobs for us and if people new how much you can make being a roughneck more people will try to work the area. starting off you can make up to 75,000 dollars a year. i think they need to find better way to find oil then just hit or miss drilling.
I'm not a dem, but perhaps we should give everybody a choice.

Those that don't want to drill on US soil can only buy gasoline refined from sources outside the US.

Those in favor of domestic oil production can buy anywhere (since they're not opposed to imports)
Why don't you want to hear about the leased land that we aren't drilling? if you want to drill for oil, go there first. There are 68 million acres leased. Clean your plate before you ask for seconds!
Why dont you want to hear about all the leased land there not drilling now?

I mean if the oil companies wont drill what they have now then what makes you believe the will drill if they get more land?
[I believe in finding alternative fuel] But as for if we should find our own oil? yes. But we should look in other places. Leave Alaska alone.
As an Alaskan I can tell you WE SHOULD.

Trust me, folks, NOTHING will harm caribous or bears and it will give us, thousands of Americans, jobs and help our economy.
77% of the population wants to drill, according to polls.
This is what cracks me up when I hear a Democrat B*tch about oil prices
yes we should drill in alaska more..that is the only thing i disagree with my party on.

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