It seems to me that a basic step along the road to the socialism he seeks is to control the economy to the point that the masses rush into the streets demanding that the oil industry be nationalized, along with health care. Then can come the housing industry, food industry, etc. That's where the democrats want to take this government - and you and me along with it. I don't want to go and that's the only reason I'll be voting for McCain.Why doesn't Barack Obama want to build more Nuclear power plants and drill for more oil and natural gas?
Oil companies have been receiving tax credits for developing alternative fuels and building new refineries. These companies have taken the credits and have done nothing. They a currently have the largest profits due to speculative trading on the commodities market. Obama wants to tax their profits and take away their credits. The republicans don't want this to happen.
As for building nuclear power plants, no one wants on in their back yard. Drilling for more oil and natural gas won't matter. There isn't a shortage of oil, we haven't reach 'peak oil' yet.
Because much of the reasoning behind the ';Environmental Agenda'; has nothing to do with helping the Environment,it has to do with pulling the US economy down a notch or two. Funny how we are constantly being berated for not being more like Europe,yet when we want to do things Europe is doing like getting more of our power through Nuclear Power,suddenly we apparently need to be less like Europe??
And of course the rest of the world is expanding drilling and production of Oil and Natrural Gas,but apparently all of a sudden we're supposed to be less like the rest of the world on that too. Let's forget the fact that there is so much untapped Oil out there now that it would take us another Century to use it,instead lets destroy our economy utterly searching for ';alternatives'; 99% of which are thirty years away from being useful or affordable!!
But McCain is no better on this,because Obama and him both serve the same masters in the long run. This destruction of America's economy,its sovereignty,and its security are exactly what some people want. And we continue to help that agenda by voting for the pre-selected puppets like Obama and McCain. Instead we need to reject them utterly,and at least begin the process of taking our country back. But instead we keep acting like Sheep,who continue voting for the butcher,then wondering how we ended up in the slaughterhouse!
NObama 08
No To Juan McCain 08
August 4 President
Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) - all presidential candidates - support legislation that would cap greenhouse gas emissions and provide incentives to power companies to build more nuclear plants.
Geeze you guys can't even get semi-accurate lies to spin anymore.
C'mon, guy. He is just fakin'. Axelrod is an Exelon man, the largest nuclear company in the world and oil companies are funding his campaign. When will you learn to recognize an empty rhetoric from the truth? They're all for political positioning as what he is used to do.
He has no idea what he's doing. He doesn't understand the economy. He doesn't care. The GOP has wanted to drill so he can't agree with them on anything - ';screw the country!'; is his attitude!
Taxing oil is the biggest problem of all since the oil companies will just pass the tax onto us - raising prices. Is he ignorant or stupid?
Obama is out of touch. He is hemmed in by Democrat orthodoxy: Energy bad, people bad, America bad. Snail darter good, ruffed grouse good, terrorist good.
Obama would rather raise taxes, try to bankrupt the oil companies who will pass on any taxes to us, lie to the American voters and most of all say it is all Bush's fault.
Something about ';an inhabitable planet';... silly to you cons, I know, but there it is...
I believe you are incorrect. He wants plentiful, cheap energy for all Christian American brothers and sisters.
He wants to destroy the America we know.
Because the people he represents don't want it.
Got your spoon out and stirring up trouble, huh?
because if he said he wants it then it means no more money for him!
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