Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why aren't these Environmental screwballs letting us drill oil in our own country?

Do they not realize the effect that these high rate oil prices will have on our economy?Why aren't these Environmental screwballs letting us drill oil in our own country?
I think they are thinking about long term rather than short term economic and environmental values, you know for those who will inherit the earth!Why aren't these Environmental screwballs letting us drill oil in our own country?
Yes drilling there will bring prices down...

We aren't allowed to drill because it ruins the environment...

We have enough supply to last us decades and enough coal to last us over a hundred years. Thanks Congress for doing nothing on an important issue!

To Congress: Now since you have made this mess, get the oil companies exec's to capitol hill and blame them! Quit pointing fingers and do something about it yourself.
It boils down to one thing. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The environmental screwballs are the squeakiest wheel in D.C.

Washington needs to hear us. We need to get squeaky so they'll give us some oil. (Pun intended)

As I see it, you only have three choices.

1.) Cut back on your gas consumption.

2.) Grin and bare it.

3.) Do something about it and tell your congressman how you feel. This is a letter I sent to my congressman. Pass it around. Change your representative’s name. Then when you complain, at least you can say you tried something. I equate it to those who don't vote and then complain about who's in office.

will put you in touch with your congressman.

Dear Representative Geoff Davis,

I believe it's time to change our policy in regards to drilling for oil off our own shores. Refuge (ANWR) and the offshore areas of the Pacific and Atlantic coasts contain a huge amount of oil that would drastically reduce (if not eliminate) our dependency on foreign oil. If we can't do anything about the vast profits ';big oil'; is raking in, at least we can allow them to reinvest these profits into weaning us off foreign oil.

Times have changed in reference to environmental protection. Modern technology minimizes the environmental impact to a point where it is practically non-existent. I'm sure legislation could be worded to ensure environmental impact is minimized.

Even if we allow drilling for more oil, I don't believe the big oil companies are really interested in finding it. Limited supply means more profit. Here are a couple of scenarios for your consideration.

Break up the oil monopoly. In my opinion they are acting together as one (not competing against each other) to drive the costs of fuel up. Break up the chain and you will produce competition. Make it unlawful for the oil companies to also own the refineries or distribution chains. When the owner of the refinery is shopping for oil, the oil companies are going to compete to get the business.

It is my understanding that OPEC really only wants ~ $68 for a barrel of oil. It’s the speculators that bid it up from there. If the government were buying the oil – it would take the speculators out of the equation. Why can’t our government buy the oil and then sell it to the refineries for or a very low profit? I am a life long republican and not usually in support a more government, I don’t think this qualifies as it could sustain itself with a very low (zero wash) profit.

Most of all, lets end “big oil” lobbying efforts in Washington. Oil is the life’s blood of this nation. Catering to their interests is unpatriotic when most of them are not even owned by Americans.

I know your knowledge probably exceeds mine in these matters. I am not an expert, just a VERY concerned citizen/voter. As our elected representative, my hope is that you can help before our nation goes into a depression. One hurricane in the gulf and we'll be in trouble.

Thank you for your help,
Because all it accomplishes is a very slight delay (10 - 20 years) of the inevitable, and at great cost. The longer you delay dealing with the inevitable the more it will cost you when you DO deal with it. When the engine light comes on in your car, do you fix the problem? or do you just stick some black tape over the light and pretend everything is OK?

Your great grandchildren are going to need to live here too someday. Try looking at where ';America %26amp; Co'; is going to be in 50 or 100 years instead of just trying to look good on this year's report. Or maybe you think cost vs benefit based analysis and long range planning is ';screwball';?
UGh we are drilling in our own Country . I personally had part in about 150 wells in the USA. most fo them offshore Gulf of mexico. There has been a huge discovery in the gulf. one of wells we drilling estimated to produce over a billion barrels per day. many that are already been drilled have been capped for futire completions and producing. all over the usa on land is drilling. where i live there is about 20 drilling rigs with in a 50 mile radius .. but we can drill more and more but do you not realize the usa hasn't built a new refinary since the 70's if we had more refinerys. then that could also help but with the huge cost of building a refinery it want lower prices over night. just drilling doesnt put gas in your car. from drilling it miles and miles benath the earths surface its a long process before it makes it to the chevron station Lot of time, Lot of Money . with the high prices your oilcampnies are also suffering do you know how much Your Oil cmapnies pay per day to drilling companies to drill these wells. anywhere from 100,000.00$ to 500,000.00$ per day plus equipment. and tools thats used is not available at walmart. And it reqires fuel and oil to drill the wells, more fuel to produce the wells, transport it, refinery costs. lot of costs in there. To many people are investing in oil to become millionaires. one person is your president and his frienfds and family if you invest a million $ in real estate in 15 years time you want to be able to gain a little there dont you. same here so many people have invested millions into oil stocks etc. well they gotta show a profit some how and the best way is with our pocket books, there is no winning this. get used to it..
I am an environmentalist whom agrees we should explore sources of oil inside of America. But the fact remains that these new drilling sites will have a tiny impact, if any, on the price of oil and our country's economy. What we really need to do is explore our other options as we try to ween ourselves off of oil as gently as possible.
because they are idiots....they think it's ok for opec countries to drill for oil...they don't care about them drilling for oil is somehow not affecting ';climate change'; or hurting the enviroment.....and when we tried to get alternative energy like windmills on the ocean going, helping to aleviate our energy needs, teddy kennedy screamed bloody murder because it would be a eye sore to him personallly....they are pure evil...
environmentalist have no control over these matters,congress does,but the democrats have always been against it.but tell me why if republican are so for building new refineries,why didn't they just do it when they controlled all 3 branches of government for 6 years straight

it would have been as simple as drafted a bill voting on it and getting the president to sign it,bush didn't veto a single bill put on his desk by republicans for 6 years straight and democrats couldn't do anything they didn't have enough votes to stop anything
I think it has something with the organization Greenpeace paying off the democrats. Over the last 12 years there have been 24 votes on drilling in the Alaskan ANWR. In 1996 when the republicans had control of the house and senate, it got passed. But our dear friend and former president Clinton vetoed it. The Republican party wants to explore for oil here, but the dem's don't. I thought these politicians were to have Americans well-being at heart. Apparently not. Their main job is to get re-elected. Nothing else matters to them. You see, the democrats have put us in the position of having to buy unaffordable gasoline. They ride in limousines, and we pay for the gas.
Getting more oil now seems like a good idea, and i am in favor of drilling in alaska, don't get me wrong, but i think that if we don't at least start looking at alternative fuel sources, we will never overcome the oil crisis. We won't solve any problems that way. Just think a few years into the future. Then gas will be even more expensive than it is now. I'm sure we don't want that right?
Cause they are dumb and would rather raise food prices as well by trying to create ethanol. Which costs two times less but is also burned twice as fast, so you don't even save! Drill for oil in alaska get some more refineries running and then work on alternative fuel ideas!
Watch this, and in your own mind ';what would you say?';

Alternative's will come but it will be another 15-20 years to come up with a mainstream fix, ethanol.......? Electric.........?

Nitrogen Fuel cell........?
Why not ask their screwball buddies in Congress. Pssst!!! They're called Democrats.

By the way, have you noticed how gas prices have gone through the roof since Democrats took control of Congress in 2007?
Okay, because you paying less to fill your car up is the most important thing in the world. If you need it explained you're already a lost cause.
Silly, it's not OUR country, it's their country.

Facts Ruin Cons got ';facts'; from same environmental site from group fighting drilling. What a joke. More supply equals same high price, sources please!!!!!
I think you've burned up enough buffalo on your 3rd trip to the mall. Hands off Alaska. Maybe the future will have a better use for it than a drive through drug store.
Because it might mess up the caribou's mating habits. A polar bear might eat a oily snowball... These freaks are complete idiots but they have the dem party in their back pocket....
I prefer alternative fuel sources vs more of the same. GOP supporters rarely think long term. It is always about the moment with them.
Something about elk or owls or something like that..
Why won't those woodpeckers stop drilling in your head?
Yeah let's blame them for the price of gas!
the oil we have is in reserve for the military

w/o it our country is defensless
Drilling here will not bring the price down.
Because we enjoy oxygen. You should try some.
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