We (Americans) give the Sunni 70% of the money they use to build their army by purchasing their oil.
How is it possible to end the wars if we continue to buy oil from them ?
Don't you think the sooner we drill for our oil the better?
Democratic Majority Congress won't allow us to drill were the oil is, just want to explore for unknown oil areas on the leased land where many of the congressman Own Oil Shares! This is a outrage, especially when they turn around saying they don't want to drill where the oil is cause its the PEOPLE of American that treasure the oil.. But 78 % of US PEOPLE are telling them to DRILL where the oil is and they IGNORE US!
We will save LIVES drilling here , it will help the war on terror in the to come to a end eventually if we just stop buying their oil giving them money for weapons and recruiting!
Your views?Can We End The War By Drilling Our Oil?
The war will go on-----but we could quit funding it by not buying oil from them----we must use our own resources and innovate new technology-----yes it would save many lives----and our economy also.Can We End The War By Drilling Our Oil?
Thanks----and you are right----and that is why we are here----to try to get folks to seek the truth----you do not hear the drums roll in this direction from TV news. George Soros---the grand Media Puppeteer.. Report Abuse
Thanks----and you are right----and that is why we are here----to try to get folks to seek the truth----you do not hear the drums roll in this direction from TV news. George Soros---the grand Media Puppeteer.. Report Abuse
Good point, but you also have to take into consideration the harm that drilling would do to our environment. With all the ';going green'; these days, wouldn't it be cheaper (and more sensible) to just find an alternative fuel? then we could almost completely rid ourselves of the problem.
Of Course you are correct. But as always the Libs hold everything back that would actually help us. I mean 9% aapproval rating,speaks for itself. I will say this,something they need to heed after all the B.S. the one that gets gas down McCain or Obama will win. Period. That's what Americans are concerned about...
No. The issue is that we can't end the war in Iraq. The Iraqi government has to do that. It's a pity that more Americans don't understand that.
Maybe we can make our own moonshine and substitute it for oil!!!!
I sure wish you had given a reference on our buying oil from Iraq. I understood that most of it went to Europe. Of course it's a common market and if the supply was cut, it would directly impact us.
I'm 110% for drilling. The big reason is the oil money would no longer go out of the US irregardless of the price. The second is that it would relieve the dependency and political stranglehold some countries in the Mideast have on us. Right now, it is very easy to imagine a situation were we would have to go to war in a big way. The third is at the moment alternative energy is not ready. One of the biggest problems with the people who are relying on this idea is there are no specifics. We cannot start building. The truth is that an adequate solution has yet to be developed and if we don't do something, we would be relying on a hopes instead of realities.
One of the big issues as I see it is that a large portion of the population has no idea of what a corporation is. They see them as some kind of independent, evil entity. The truth is a corporation is simply a business owned by shareholders. Those shareholders are your friends, neighbors and possibly yourself if you are wise enough to put money in a retirement plan. The board of directors, who run the company, are elected by the shareholders. Profits are put back into the business, or distributed to the shareholders by dividends or sometimes stock buy backs. Those who are irrationally against corporations are hurting their friends, neighbors and even themselves. If you do not own stocks in some fashion, you should really think about doing so. Even in the ';evil'; oil companies.
The democrats consistently exploit this irrational fear of corporations painting them as evil etc. . More likely than not. the political wheels are shareholders too. It's just a button to push to gain votes and only works because of ignorance.
With Iran having 6000 centrifuges, there is no way we should pump down the oil reserve. That would be stupid.
I agree with 95% of what you said, but sadly, the war is not about oil, its about genocide.
They ignore us because they think they know best, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, but right not they're wrong and we American's have to be careful who we vote for.
I'm not going to name names, because that stupid, you have to research these men on your own everyone, make an educated choice.
My views on this way are simple, those soldiers are the ones over their, we put the vote to them and ask if they want to abandon ship.
If the vote comes up yes, we withdraw, no, then we'll see whats really going on.
I have three friends over there right now not staying for any other reason than to protect Iraqi children from the militants there.
The kids have schools now, the girls are actually allowed to attend.
They have running water, power lines, all things that were absent before our offering our help.
When France came to back the U.S. up during the Revolutionary war, no one called that an invasion, they came here to help us against oppressors, and that's just what our boys and girls are doing now.
The oil issue is starting on both sides, it has more to do with republican/Democrat needs that the Sunni's sadly enough.
We have reserves, that republicans don't want us to dip into, I understand but now is the time.
They're afraid that is iran attackes Israel, its wwIII and we're going to need all the oil we can get on reserve, so they do this out of fear.
We have places off coast we can drill at, democrats don't want us to drill because they want to protect the enviroment.
I understand this, they're afraid, so they want to jack up gas prices to protect the enviroment from harm, so some family will have to cut back on everything because of the rprices.
Both parties are motivated by fear, and fear is a large thing in the eyes of man and women alike, but as a country, as united states we need to take the power back, and tell them what we will or will not put up with.
Anyone remember the tax on tea? We'll its back again, in the form of high taxes on oil and this time, instead of rebelling we're whining yet bending over and taking it.
We need to remember we are united.
We need to remember people are more than liberal and conservative, we bleed, we have this in common.
We all want to protect those will love, we all want to care for those we love.
Right now this is hard for many low income families, so even though most of us are scraping by, we need to remember these people and rebel.
We need a nation day were no one leaves their homes.
No one.
We all stay home, just for one day, you can call off, tell the babsiter you've got it cover, tell your boss you're sorry but its time, and sit at home and watch the news.
Watch what we can do, what the power we have.
Gas prices will drop, and the fat cats will be forced to honor the people, like the civil servants they are supossed to be.
NO that would not happen. I saw a McCain commercial about drilling oil in America, and that was Obama's idea! McCain is wanting to stay in war, no matter what. Obama wants to end the war, which is not as easy done as said, but it will happen if Obama is elected. McCain will continue to destroy lives.
or...we cant find another type of fuel
its not imposible, Brazil already did it with sugarcanes
My view is that what you are suggesting is impossible and impractical. First, even if we start drilling today we aren't going to see that oil for about 5 years. Plus, that is only a temporary fix, if even that. The real facts are that global warming is a real threat and the solution to high gas prices and dependency on foreign oil is making big leaps in alternative energy--not drilling for more oil. As much as I hate paying for oil at this ungodly price, I realize that in order for the market to respond to new alternative energy progress and start making them cheaper for consumers, we need these gas prices this high so demand for alternative energy will go up. If you still aren't convinced or simply don't care about global warming, there are other reasons not to drill in the US (because by the way that may put miles of reef and aquatic life in danger). And your hypothesis is slightly skewed in regards to us giving Sunni's money. It isn't that simple.
Where did you get that info? Drilling won't harm the environment it will help it? How do you think they are going to drill? With invisible drills that don't harm or touch the reef? How are they going to build that without harming the reefs or aquatic life? And I highly doubt what you said about natural oil versus oil spills.
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