Monday, April 26, 2010

Do you think that we should drill for oil in Alaska?

So, there are many refineries in the United States, but considering how much oil lies under Alaska, do you think we should start a massive drilling campaign?

The biggest concern of course is for the wild life there. Do you think it's worth disrupting the wild life, in order to obtain more oil?

What about in any circumstance, how important is the whole wild life ecosystem to you? How much should we risk to obtain what we want?Do you think that we should drill for oil in Alaska?
The only thing sinking more wells will accomplish is to increase the amount of carbon the industrialized world puts into the air. The problem isn't that we have enough oil, the problem is that we use way too much of it and other fossil fuels. It would take years to develop the Alaska fields - the time and money would be better invested in forms of energy that won't increase our carbon output.

What the oil cheerleaders forget is that economics isn't the only important consideration. If we continue spoiling our air with fossil fuels, then our economic output won't make a bit of difference. Unless they foolishly think money will stop the Greenland ice cap from melting, or fix droughts all over the world...Do you think that we should drill for oil in Alaska?
Yes we should and starting NOW!
We should have started drilling ten years ago.
The technology is there to drill under that Alaskan shelf without disturbing one moose or caribou. Sure.. if it can be done without disturbing wildlife... and it can now... why not go for it?
We do drill for oil there, and have for many years.

How do you think the Exxon Vadez managed to create such a mess years ago?

Possibly you are talking about drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but even there they OKed limited drilling.
We should drill in ANWAR, what all the ecogeeks are saying is really stupid, everything they are currently saying is what they said around the time they wanted to put in the pipeline and well all the ';disruption'; helped in a way and the wild life has adapted to it and use the pipeline to keep warm. I think it is very important for us to drill in Alaska and get off the foreign oil drug
I say drill's ours...get it out of the ground and onto the market.

Disturbing the wildlife??? Please...the urban sprawl in the Poconos where I live is doing FAR MORE disturbing to wildlife everyday.

The wildlife argument is just argument.
I think we should keep it under the ground in case we cannot get foreign oil to the U.S.
No, not now, and it has nothing to do with environmental issues. ANWR is the only major oil field completely under U.S. control. With the world becoming increasingly tense, oil fields in the hands of people that don't like us and the fact that our military runs on oil, we may need that reserve for more important reasons. As for our domestic usage, it's time to start looking for alternatives to oil and break the oil habit once and for all.
we should drill it

the wild life.... ehhhh, the pipe doesn't disturb the wild life, the wild life actually lay by the pipe because it is warmer. I doubt it would actually do much to the environment.... since Alaska is like half the size of the mainland US anyway
Why should we take oil out of ANWR while at the same time we are putting oil IN the ground at the strategic petroleum reserve. We should just leave the oil in ANWR for the future and divert some oil going into SPR. An instant burst in the flow of oil and no new drilling needed. The ANWR scam is just a play by Big Oil to get their hands on it at a time when the public is pliable.
I don't think it's necessary to drill up in Alaska. I really don't think we have that big of a problem with supply....
Absolutely not! There is no guarantee that the oil we drill for in Alaska will even come to the Continental United States. It is actually cheaper to send the oil by ship to China then send it down here. So in actually we would just be giving oil to China and our prices at the pump would continue to rise. There should be no drilling in Alaska and instead we should focus on alternative fuel sources and vehicles. We have messed our planet up enough and it is now time to think to the future instead of fighting over fossil fuels that are not renewable.

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