Monday, April 26, 2010

What would take longer, drilling for oil or discovering alternative fuel sources?

I hear every uneducated person on here say that we can't drill because it will take 10 years to see any oil. Which is a valid point to a certain extent. It will take between 6-10 years to see that oil but this was the same defense Clinton used over 10 years ago when he vetoed drilling in ANWR. The area that they want to drill in ANWR is .1% of the total refuge. Do these democrats just refuse to see long term?

There other argument is that we need alternative fuel sources. Great, sounds good. Except that they are years away from being efficient and readily available. Even Honda's hydrogen car won't see mass production for at least 5 years.

Why don't we drill and research alternative fuel?What would take longer, drilling for oil or discovering alternative fuel sources?
We have been trying to come up with affordable alternative fuels for the last 40 years and have been unsuccessful.

If we are willing to pay the equivalent of $10.00 per gallon we can have alternative fuels.

We cannot even afford $4.00 gasoline. We certainly cannot afford the alternative fuels that are available today at $10.00 per gallon.

If we have not been able to come up with affordable alternative fuels iin the last 40 years it is not likely that we will be able to come up with affordable alternative fuels i the next 10 years.

People say that hydrogen is the solution, however curently hydrogen is made from natural gas, which comes from oil wells.

It is more efficient to use the natural gas directly in a vehicle that to use the natural gas to create hydrogen to operate a vehicle.

Hydrogen can also be created electrolytically from water, however that requires a great deal of electricity.

The equipment that creates hydrogen electrolytically from water operates at approximately 70% efficiency.

You lose approximately 30% of the energy just generating the hydrogen from water electrolytically.

The battery of an electric car or plug in hybrid stores electrical energy much more efficiently and delivers that electrical energy much more efficiently than generating hydrogen electrolytically.

It takes approximately 50 kilowatt hours of electricity to generate an amount of electricity that has the energy content of one gallon of gasoline.

Most of our electricity is generated using coal or natural gas. The cost of generating that electricity is approximately 10 cents per kilowatt hour.

At 10 cents per kilowatt hour it costs $5.00 to generate an amount of hydrogen with an energy content equal to one gallon of gasoline.

Hydrogen currently is not a cost effective solution to our energy crisis. Since it takes fossil fuels to generate the electricity there is no reduction in greenhouse gases.

The so called environmentalists say that it will take 10 years before we see any oil from ANWR. They use that as one of their reasons why we should not drill there.

The so called environmentalists said the same thing over 10 years ago about drilling in ANWR and gave that as one of the reasons why we should not drill there.

If we had ignored the environmentalists 10 years ago and drilled in ANWR anyway, that oil from ANWR would be coming on the market now, just when we need it.

We must ignore the environmentalists and go ahead and start opening up the land that has been off limits to oil drilling so that we can provide affordable gasoline to the working people of the United States who must dribve their cars to and from work, take the children to school and feed and clothe their families.What would take longer, drilling for oil or discovering alternative fuel sources?
With every alternative fuel source, it is backed up with some sort of fossil fuel. Electric motors must be recharged, Hybrid still need fuel, solar requires fossil fuels for production. Hydrogen car costs 100's of thousands of dollars, and it won't get much lower for years.

Oil companies have some off shore drilling platforms ready, and it takes about a year to make a new one, but American ingenuity can make them faster.
We don't have to ';discover'; alternative energy, just exploit it. If the US government put the same $$ into solar/wind/hydro etc. that it put into Oil, the development would accelerate from 50% per year to 200% per year! If Bush hadn't put roadblcks infront of ';forced'; electric car development we would be seeing far more electric cars already and could even be looking at Oil consumption dropping now. We're a bit behind, but we put a man on the moon so this is a wlk in the park if we had an inspired (inspiring) leader (Obama '08)
both would take a long time to get into common market. no way we can just up and say we are now a hydrogen society and build the hydrogen infrastructure over night. with oil we have at least 10 years before gas prices come down (if we drill and build new plants.)

i think that we should be doing both as in about 30-40 years hydrogen cars and trucks will be common place among the current gas burning cars and in about 45-60 years we will be in hydrogen vehicles.
Because alternative fuel vehicles would still be more expensive to own and operate than normal gas engined vehicles.

Nobody is investing in a technology that won't be used.

As long as there is oil the ignorant, general population won't switch and therefore the price of fuel will keep increasing.

Why would oil companies want to invest in new oil wells when people are paying for oil now?
Using the argument of it being 10 years before we see the benefits is so narrow-minded. Using that logic, you might as well tell your kids not to go to school, because it will be 12 years PLUS college before they see the benefit.

That and we WILL see benefits before that, because OPEC and speculators will drop the price of oil before a single drop comes in, just out of anticipation of the US becoming energy independent.
I have no answer, But I agree, Drill now and look for alternatives while we are drilling, How stupid can we get?? oh wait, look who is running for office, be it a monkey dem or a lib rep. I do like your comment about the uneducated, there seems to be a lot of them buggers on here. And all they do is complain or answer questions with more questions.

Yeah libs you know who I'm talking about.
We don't know for sure but we do know that the sooner we start drilling the sooner we will see results. There is nothing wrong with drilling while we also try to develop alternate technologies. Only a fool would ignore a sure source of energy while attempting to find alternatives..
';refuse to see long term';

This statement when coupled with your original question creates quite the hypocritical rant....

You are looking for some immediate relief, developing alternative fuels would be a SOLUTION. Discovering and pumping more oil would be a bandaid and we'd be back in this same boat sooner rather than later.
Let's have a race and find out.

They don't have to do the whole USA at once,just supply fuel to Rhode Island for 1 year.

The Prize,1 billion bucks in tax breaks.
finding alternatives.

The Dems will drive many Americans into poverty by then.
Actually, we already have alternatives. Fuel cell technology that is in and reaaaady to go!

Honda's FCX is the first fuel cell car to be certified by the Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board as a low-emissions vehicle.

Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity and power the drive train of the vehicle.

The pumping station is the big issue, because the stations are rare. They are being installed near Los Angeles for a bus fleet that will be experimenting with fuel cell vehicles and also at the California Fuel Cell Partnership in Davis. AC Transit is planning to install one in or near Oakland for its own fuel cell project.

';This is an important milestone for the automobile industry that holds the promise of cleaner air for all Americans,'; said Jeff Holmstead, assistant administrator for the EPA's Office of Air and Radiation.

SOOooooo, instead of sinking billions of dollars into a finite product that pollutes and makes oil men richer why not invest in an actual solution! Five -ten years to drill for more oil that will not lessen our dependence on foriegn oil or lower our costs or invest five years on making the hydrogen filling stations nationwide. No brainer to me!

The reason oil is so high is because the dollar is so weak, if the USA produced stuff again (like OIL) our dollar would strengthen (like Canada which has a strong dollar based on energy), Dollar strengthens, oil speculators would go elsewhere

Second, if the ban was lifted what do you think that would do to oil futures? Can we say plummet? Hello?

The stupidest argument set forth by Obama is the one that says oil companies aren't using all of their existing leases to begin with.

First, a lease isn't an entitlement to drill. It is the first step. Every single environmental rule must be complied with after the lease is awarded, from land use permissions to permits to work near endangered species. (This is why the polar bear listing was so crucial to opponents of exploration --they got another club to beat would be producers of energy with.)

Second, the award of a lease doesn't guarantee an oil field is beneath the land leased or that the cost of extraction makes sense. Lots of leases are prospected and most are found wanting. But we know there are huge deposits of oil on the outer continental shelf. Oil companies are willing to bet billions on it ! Many of them are just a bit smarter than Obama too.

We CAN drill our way out of this problem. The problem is the Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid won't let us.

The choice in November is clear. A vote for any Democrat from Obama on down the ticket is a vote for $10 a gallon gas. Obama and his allies don't care as they stand by to watch US lifestyle slip into the same mire that is Obama鈥檚 Ghetto South Chicago district.
I have a better idea. We didn't have the problem in Clinton's day. We have it in Bush's day. What has BUSH done about the problem facing HIS Presidency? Clinton is no longer in power. Bush is. Stop deflecting blame.

Bush did not start up a basic Manhattan Project for an alternative fuel source, as he should have, seeing as how even he said we have to get off of foreign sources of energy. Actually, what Bush said was foreign sources of OIL, because he and his disgusting family are all oil barons and baronettes, and all of his backers are as well.

But we know that oil is a major problem for all sorts of reasons. The Manhattan Project was a project funded by the war effort that produced the most powerful weapon on the planet in less time than it takes to train one of you right-wing yahoos on how to spell.

We already have MANY ways to create alternative energy. With enough money behind the research, it will become a reality. Know why it doesn't happen on Bush's watch? Simple. Bush is an oil man, and all he wants is more money. He doesn't give a damn about the American People; he cares about the Bush people and the Corporate Swine that back the Bush people.

This problem could have been solved already. The American oil policy is one of Republican greed and has been since it's inception as a huge industry. We know why we can't get off oil. The people with all the money made their money from OIL.

You know, the educated people have already solved this problem. We may not all be PhD's, but I guarantee you we know more than the currently sitting US President. Or his unpaid shills in Yahoo Answers, to boot.
Bush Sr Vetoed ANWR too...also in 1998 oil was 8$ a barrel...and it made little sense to drill for more.

Also ANWR will have little impact on oil it is only expected to produce 1 million barrels a day at its peak rate.

Right now in the US we are drilling as fast as we can...rig counts are at or near all time highs...and we are running pipe as fast as we can get it.... and yet production goes down and consumption is stable... I think it best to start looking for alternatives and we will continue to drill as we are.

In the US, we consume 22 Million Barrels of Oil a day...and we only produce 5 million a day.

It is a myth that we can supply our own demand as the demand stands right now....You could put on ANWR and all the coastal areas you want and you will not get to 22 million a day....or even come close to that.

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