Monday, April 26, 2010

Do you realize drilling for oil will do us no good?

Drilling for oil would have about as much effect as watering your lawn with an eye dropper.

It's a waste of time and energy when you should be looking into alternative renewable energy. The market is a world market and any oil drilled would be a fraction of 1% of the global oil market. You think that BP, Exxon, Mobil are going to sell oil at below the market price?? Refocus the energy of drilling, extracting and deliving the oil into something that will actually make a difference.

This is not a partisan problem. This is much bigger than politics and until people realize this, nothing will improve.Do you realize drilling for oil will do us no good?
You're absolutely correct. Drilling for oil in the Arctic would only decrease a barrel of oil by only pennies, which would have no effect on the price at the pump. If we want to wean ourselves from foreign oil--thus decrease our dependence on the Middle East, Venezuela, and other entities, we must alter our focus to other means of fueling our addiction. This would also reduce our funding of terrorism, which we most certainly do driving our SUV's and Hummers. True patriotism involves sacrifice--a value the current administration is obviously incapable of providing.Do you realize drilling for oil will do us no good?
More domestic oil exploration will do much more harm than good. Once we start tearing up the last pristine regions of our planet, we have doomed ourselves to total self-destruction.

Stupidly, ignorantly, and arrogantly we don't seem to realize how disrupting caribou migration patterns will affect all of us. We fail to recognize how the extinction of polar bears, remote Eskimo tribes, rain forests, rivers, land, tse tse flies, mangrove forests, oceans, wetlands, swamps, meadows, poisonous frogs from the Amazon basin, roses, grasslands, and all other natural Earthly resources might result in our own extinction as a species.

Domestic oil exploration will harm the world, all so that a handful of wealthy elitists, oil barons, industrialists and power brokers can become wealthier and more powerful.

-RKO- 05/26/08
Although I agree with your sentiment, and that we need to rapidly make the shift to alternate power sources. I think drilling is also required, it will take decades to convert our reliance from oil to other power sources. In the mean time we need to use our own oil supply and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. As far as ANWAR goes, The oil companies have said they need a little less than 2000 acres to drill and retrieve 94% of the oil there. That is an extremely small area considering ANWAR is the size of South Carolina. Just so you all know, there is more oil there than there is in Saudi Arabia.
If oil reserves in the Gulf would last us for 250 years, why is Anwar even an issue? I detect a disconnect in logic there.

Why go drill at the North Pole and ship oil, instead of pushing for drilling in the Gulf right next to the oil terminals...unless they are worried about drilling where everyone can watch HOW they are doing it?
It would take ten years for us to get the oil we drill at anyway. We need to look at short term solutions for now and long term solutions for the coming decades. Alternative energy is the wave of the future and that's where our focus should be for long term goals.
I know it, but how do you convince the masses?

They seem willing enough to buy the proposition that supply and demand makes prices go up fifty cents worth between lunch and dinner.

If they will believe that, they will believe anything the oil companies spew out.
If you could get the environmentalist whackos out of the way and the guilt ridden Liberal politicians out of the way, we could begin to build the nuclear power that America so desperately needs.
That is absolutely wrong.

Recent studies have found a huge reserve in the gulf that at present US usage would last for 250 years.

Thats just ONE of many of our reserves. And isn't including ANWR other coastal waters or oil shale.
yes, and getting up in the morning and working for $$ is a big waste of time too

you sound like Obama man

get your head out of the clouds

and come on back down to earth
drilling for oil only buys a little time. we need to invest in other forms of energy.
Hum, you know how people say oil will last use only a 100 years until we run out and must go into are reserves well that isnt all true. there is so much oil in the world we could use it until the world ends aka when sun blows us. but the problom is that only 10% of that oil is pure and good to use it is called crude oil. the other 90% is huge but we dont know how to purify the oil just like salt water freah water is only 2% of the world the other 78% of the world is salt water which we cant oil is a good sorce and we need to figure out how to purify it so we can use it instead of look for prepured oil. ALso as those people say use are own oil we only got enough to full are reserve tanks which is for emergancy only. More then 75% of the worlds oil is in the SOUTHWEST ASIA aka the middle east. so we must try to use that. also the world is changing dude every 5 years technology makes the biggest leaps and sore to new grounds. what i mean is that eventually we will make something new that wont need any fuel. like i heard that somewhere in asia they made a machine that can take a heat sorce of enegy(the sun) and makel like oil using it and very common chemicals(oxygen and hydrogen). so ya we just gotta wait and see what happens because we cant do nothing only politics can.

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