Alternative fuels are not here yet. Who knows if they will be available in 5 to ten years. Corn based ethanol has proved to create food shortages. Due to the flood in the midwest and because that much corn acerage has been mandated for ethanol, corn prices have quadrupled.
The only thing that we know for sure is that if we drill now and drill here, we will pay less.Is Obama right to oppose drilling for oil in the US.?
Oil companies already have 68 million acres offshore waters under lease that are not being developed, so how is making more land available going to help?Is Obama right to oppose drilling for oil in the US.?
you are so wrong on the real issue of offshore drilling when it's not why we are paying high prices at the pumps the USA is apart of a 50 trillion global oil industry so we will always be depended on foreign oil one way or another . the energy dept put out a report that there is not a shortage of oil the problem is we don't have the facilities to produce this gas .so real truth is this county have a shortage of refineries not oil yamster research before you post .
The US is currently the largest consumers of petroleum in the world and we are actually a large producer of petrol as stands. It would be incredibly difficult to be self sustaining, particularly in the long term, given our current petrol consumption and given the emerging petrol markets in China and India.
We need to have a real energy policy, as we should not have an economy that falls prey to the prices of petrol as ours currently does and thus would not need to have wars to secure sources of petrol.
haven't you wondered by bush never lifted the ban on off shore drilling years ago even though he could ???
The clear Majority of experts say that we can NOT drill our way out of this mess.
people like to talk about ';speculators'; because the news tells them to (that's very short term).
but, the truth is that the the U.S. Government has kept the price of oil artificially low for many decades.
they can no longer do that and will never be able to do so again.
';peak'; oil is real and it's consequences are here to stay.
He wrong again ,why wait another 10 years if Clinton would have pass it in the 90s we would not be hurted so bad today.
Matthew F you know that the samething they say back in the 90s and why not do it China is 90 mile from Fla drilling are they smart then us and how long will it come up with that other source 10 ,20 years
He is wrong on this and many other things.
Of course he and the libs will contend that we need to find alternate sources and we have been doing that for over 30 years; it has gotten us nowhere. We still should investigate alternate sources but need to take advantage of our own energy needs in an attempt to break away from foreign energy dependancy.
I wonder just how much oil can be had if they were to open up the well heads that have been capped in this country and developed potential sites within this country without having to endanger the pristine Arctic or the coastal areas, and increased refinery capacity of the refineries that have been taken out of service during the past eight years?
I think we need to go ahead a set up the mechanism for oil withdraw now . . . even though it will take some years to come to fruition . . . I'd rather have it available and ready to go in case of an international emergency . . .
He is right only if you think Environmental issues are more important , but I don't so I think he is dead wrong on this issue!!
He is as wrong as wrong can be.
Drilling or no drilling the Enviromentalist have ruined us.
No. He never had a chance that somebody briefed him real facts. And he is just as usual a Neanderthal moron.
Yes he is right don't drill. I own a lot of stock in war mongering companies so I will be rich when we fight over oil!!
No, he is an idiot !!!!!!!
I'm 80% with you, i know it sounds weird but let me elaborate, yes, Alternative fuels are not here yet, yes Ethanol can/does create food shortages.
But here is where i disagree, Ethanol if used properly can work, aka Brazil, now Alternative energy such as Solar, wind, etc.. its not there yet BECAUSE of the low price of Oil, since oil is still cheaper than alternatives there are little to no incentives to promote its development but not that the price is catching up an demand increase its going to get there.
Ultimately im all up for it, I WANT alternative energies to get better but thats because im thinking long term true today i will drive less and pay more for x y and z but later on things will be better
I just watched CNN’s international Channel(3pm EST), breaking the news that oil price spikes again. But the anchor and the reporter assert it is China’s diesel demand contributed to the hike.
Waited a sec ! It is already THIRD time I am hearing CNN’s assertion of China’s diesel demand. The first time was about two weeks ago. What’s going on?
Then, Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill news flashing back-------Which Was Just Happened This Morning ! That “unmistakable signal” is surely an act to have a consequence of oil supply disruption ! Why is it not reported as a oil spiking cause ? !
Time to scapegoat China again before a major offensive ? To verify, I went to CNN web site , there it is :
China hikes fuel prices…
China to raise energy prices…
But nowhere saying that Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill will unstablize the oil supply region, causing the oil price up.
For Israelis Iran Strike Drill see…
1. it doesnt fix the problem
2. oil prices will remain the same
3. it will take 5-10 years to use any of it
4. we need to find other solutions
5. it is bad for the enviroment.
6. The OIL companies support it!!! What does that tell you?
Beaches will disappear. They will be replaced by Industrial Oil Complexes pouring endless pollution in the air and water. A testament to the unbridled greed of Capitalist dogs.
Is that your vision of the future?
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