Monday, April 26, 2010

Why block drilling for oil in America?

I just dont understand-why is Obama so dead set against drilling here in America? Yes-i know he says it will take 10 years before we see any benefits from it. But i dont buy that-i believe it would be more like 3-4 years. Regardless, even if hes right SO WHAT! 10 years from now we will be happy we did. There is no quick fix solution for Americas energy crisis, developing alternative fuel vehicles is going to be a long process as well. It probably will take 10 years before they become mainstream and easily available at a reasonable price. Does that mean we should give up on developing such vehicles? NO WAY of course. We need to drill for oil anywhere we can here at home and we need to follow up on any forms of alternative energy we can as well.

Why does Obama insist on no to the drilling? The extra oil can help last us until the alternative energy vehicles are ready.Why block drilling for oil in America?
I was going to reply to your question until I read the remainder of your question. You said it all and I agree with you. We keep stalling and we will never be able to unload ourselves from foreign oil in the middle east and elsewhere. We must start now and drill as rapidly as we can to obtain our own oil either on-shore or off-shore. This immediately show the countries in the middle east, Mexico, Venezuela, etc. that mean business and they will respond by pumping more oil on their own. At the same time we can start an aggressive program to find alternative energy. We are the guys who put men on the moon and probes on Mars. Do you mean we can't develop alternate oil if we want to? Cars that do not use gasoline? We can if we want to but the oil companies have to agree to these new inventions and if they don't they must be MADE to comply. We should have done these things many years ago, but now it is a must and we have to begin NOW.Why block drilling for oil in America?
Since the the 1981 Congressional ban on Drilling Us Oil production has decreased and consumption has increased! But the left in this country are sponsored and supported by the money from radical Environmentalist groups. The would rather wait 10-20 years for an alternative energy source then to tap our own resources While researching the alternative energy. So they can keep there money flowing. Now there are Ethics For you!!!!!
why block drilling for oil in America?

because then the economy would crank up into the power machine that it is,and democrats wouldn't be able to promise things they don't intend to fulfill.

If we'd drill for oil, then we'd have more oil. Then we'd be less dependent on foreign sources. Then we could do parallel development of alternatives. Then we'd be better off. Now....who would want that? Not me says he.
Why don't we find something other then oil????? or why don't we stop giving big oil tax breaks and subsdies??

Because the same rhetoric was being spewed during the 70's until the price of oil went down.....we need to get off the middle east nipple
Because its a bad idea AND the oil companies have shown no interest in starting new drilling and refinery operations.
because he would like to see his terrorist friends in the middle east continue to get richer.
you do realize it is the speculators who are raising the prices right? the Enron Loophole.
You need to look at the oil companies here. Our government has allready set aside an incredible amount of oil rich land that they choose not to explore and drill on. The companies are choosing to re-invest the incredible profits buying up their own stock. Its not Obama, the land and oil is already available to the companies and its they who do not choose to utilize the profits to drill and bring prices down.

As far as you people giving the thumbs down. You can't possibly beleive Obama has anything to do with anything. Its been a Republican run government for a long time until recently.

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