With what? When did the republican party acquire oil drilling equipment?
What makes anyone think that the oil companies are going to drill just because the republican party says that they should?
Since oil is still being pulled out of the dry ground; don't you think the oil companies already know where the oil is and they're hording it, waiting for the price to increase?
Why would they want to put more oil on the market, when they're making the largest profits, in history, with things just the way they are?When did the republican party start drilling for oil?
Currently, federal law prevents them from drilling in the most lucrative areas... offshore, and in parts of Alaska's North Slope.When did the republican party start drilling for oil?
Oddly, the Oil Companies aren't interested in drilling these areas because the oil plays are too small and the costs too high.
I just wonder why supposed conservatives would advocate radical plans, when in fact, we don't even know how large any reserves may actually be. Further, I find it very remiss that anyone could push for consuming our last remaining hydrocarbons without having a plan to utilize this material in the most efficient manner possible. Instead, these folks want to consume it rapidly, with no thought towards the future.
And worse yet, alternative energy sectors will create more jobs and open more entrprenuerial opportunities. Why have the republicans lost sight of this?
Very true. They already have hundreds of wells with oil still in them that are capped off. The fact is - we haven't allowed drilling offshore because it was felt by republicans and democrats alike that it was environmentally unsafe. Nothing has changed to make it safer. If anything, hurricanes over the past few years have become more devastating and make drilling off shore even more dangerous. They tell us drilling offshore will lower prices: then why did gas go from $3.55 to $4.25 just on the possibility that Hurricane Ike might do damage?
Yes its all a great conspiracy. You seem to have forgotten that congress is Keeping them from drilling where they know the oil to be. Also its called exporation because......They're exploring for it!
And If they made the profits its because they are very smart people and have done a very good job with a company. When did that become fundamentally evil? They provide something we all choose to purchase. I mean what they are the Salvation Army? None of us made that money unless we work for them. What the hell entitles us to it?
to reinforce the lie.. that oil is the solution to our energy crisis..
fact is oil is the problem.. its not free.. and it's not renewable..
the solution is FREE wind.. solar and hydro power..
buy a gallon of gas.. burn it.. you hvae to buy another gallon of gas..
but you only have to build a wind power generator once.. for the equivelent output of a million gallons of gas or more.. over it's lifetime.
so .. how insane is it.. to allow the energy profiteers keep us in the energy stone age.. just so they can make a profit.
There is oil in Alaska, lots of it.
It is currently illegal to drill there.
When it becomes legal, the oil companies will be chomping at the bit to get up there.
Geaux Tigers, got a tough one tomorrow.
What makes me think the oil companies are going to drill just because the ';Republican Party says they should'; is that the oil companies HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR YEARS ON END TO PLEASE BE GIVEN THE PERMISSION TO DRILL.
You haven't a clue. Not all domestic land can be drilled, as a matter of law. Should that law be changed? is the real debate.
That the same, what drug addicts say, gimme more, come on, one more, can't hurt.
The future belongs to the country, which gets of the oil first.
The people say drill ... It just happens that the republicans are listening .. Pelosi and company are the ones that say screw you we know whats best,.... Im all for drilling
if they do that and we do not consume it then they can sell it
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