Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If us conservatives knew that any oil drilled in Anwar Province has to go on the world market, would we be so?

willing to sacrifice our last wildlife refuge?If us conservatives knew that any oil drilled in Anwar Province has to go on the world market, would we be so?
Oil is 98% higher this year than last, there has not been a 98% increase in demand.

Oil drilled anywhere would go on the world market, the only way we would get a break is if we nationalized oil or at least had an arm of government involved with its production.

But we don't, we have a free economy, at least if you can afford it.

All our country does is sell leases on government land, we don't get to tell an independent company to cut us a break.

Any economist will tell you that oil companies aren't going to spend money drilling just to lower the price.

But really, they don't care about wilderness, they only care about commerce. If you can find some way to package wilderness tours with fancy bathroom spas and outlet malls they may feel differently, but a unique and fragile ecology has them yelling about tree huggers.If us conservatives knew that any oil drilled in Anwar Province has to go on the world market, would we be so?
1. There would be *zero* sacrifice of the ';Wildlife Refuge'; in ANWR if we drill for Oil there.

2. Even *if* *ALL* the oil from ANWR were to go into the ';World Market'; (not a likely event) it would *STILL* be better for our economy because it would help the balance of trade

3. There is no such thing as the ';Anwar Province';... there is no such place... it doesn't exist.... so before you try to be snide with a question, at least be informed about the subject instead of being a mindless parrot of the Eco-Freaks...
You are joking right?

ANWR (Alaska National Wildlife Refuge) is not a province, it is not a political subdivision of any kind. AN-BAR province is in Iraq and we have nothing to say as to whether oil is drilled there.

Even an announcement of oil drilling in ANWR would drop the price of oil 20-30%. This would trigger greater output by OPEC in order to keep their revenue up and this would trigger futher drops in prices even before one drop of oil was drilled in ANWR. Why? Because OPEC would see they have reached the ceiling and that other countries are getting serious about horning in on their action. They would increase production to cause lower world market prices and make drilling in ANWR (an expensive proposition, anyway) much less attractive. The best protection for the wildlife of ANWR would be to open the area for oil production! It is ONLY the current high price of oil that even makes drilling there attractive. Announce a ';new supply'; of oil and the price will drop below the level needed to make drilling in ANWR profitable and it will never be done.

The liberal contention it would not make a difference for 10 years is pure balderdash and completely ignores simple economics. If you have a LOWES store in your town and HOME DEPOT puts up a ';coming Soon'; sign on another corner...see if Lowe's doesn;t have big sales, right away!

It also assumes that a country that can produce and deploy an atomic weapon from scratch in 3 years, or send a man to the moon and back in 8 years would somehow take TEN years to pump oil, something we do every day of the week for over a century!!!!!!!! Please do not EVEN insult my intelligence like that. I lived in oil country in West Texas all my life (until age 34) and it takes LESS THAN 6 months from signing mineral lease agreements to get the first check in hand for oil royalties! OPEC knows this even if the liberals can't buy a clue.

ANWR is NOT our last NWR, there are hundreds of them, there is one less than 5 miles from my home.

Oil put on the ';world market'; where ALL oil is sold, would have the same effect as any other oil on the market...lower prices! When supply is increased, price drops. Works every time it is tried.
YES! Cuz that would be the point.

Add to the supply... bring down the price. That is simple economics... More supply + same demand = lower price.

And the best part... The very INTENTION to drill would cause speculators to ';speculate'; about more supply... and even the possibility of future supply would bring down the price NOW!

Not to mention that is a new source of revenue for the federal government (all the taxes they would charge whoever is drilling and selling the oil) - WITHOUT having to raise taxes!
ANWAR consists of 19 million acres I don't see how drilling on the northern most shelf in an area the size of an airport will hurt anything.. and yes anybody which understands commodities knows it will end up on the world market.. and anyone who understands the very most basic principles of supply and demand understand the price of gas will go down.. We sacrifice Nothing..
Get the facts straight about Anwar. The area they want to drill in Anwar is not the plush beautiful wilderness that you see in pictures. It is a baron waste land, so we will not be sacrificing our last wildlife refuge, and that's a fact.
If Rush Limbaugh and any other Conservative pundit said we should not drill in AnWar, you'd better believe that every Conservative would be against it.

By that same token, every Liberal would be for it.
Last wildlife refuge? Where do you get your info? Buy a map!

The total footprint of a drilling rig would be minuscule compared to the entire size. It would hardly be a sacrifice, get real.
I'd be willing to sacrifice 2% of it, and know that the other 98% would still make a fine refuge.

besides, you libs keep telling us to cut the deficit.
Of course its going on the world market...

Those on the right insist the high oil prices is due to world supply and demand, then don't think that this Alaskan oil would end up the same place...all over the world
Wow, here's a difficult concept for you and your fellow democrats, if you INCREASE supply to the point where it outpaces DEMAND then COST goes DOWN.
Have you seen the location of ANWAR? THERE'S ******* NOTHING OUT THERE...yes it would go to the open market...but its better than sitting on your *** saying we have to find alternate fuel sources...

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